Thursday, January 19, 2012

Freaky Eyes

It’s not often that I toot my own horn, but I am about to toot toot real quick.  Okay, for Christmas Puddin and Pops bought me a sewing machine.  I was really excited about my gift, yet worried at the same time.  I was excited because I really want to learn to sew, but worried because I don’t like to read directions/instructions.  One of my sewing goals has been to make Ford some clothes.  Puddin and I did just that.  Now Puddin didn’t sew the pants, but she graciously assisted during the project.  I am pleased to show you my first completed clothing project!!!!!!!!!.........

Last weekend we headed to eat some of Uncle Vance’s birthday cake on Sunday after Ford’s nap.  We took two cars to Puddin and Pop’s house.  I was following Trey and the next thing I know he has turned off into his old high school.  I rolled the window down to inquire about the detour and he told me they needed to get out and play on the baseball field.  Being that it’s January and all Trey didn’t think Ford needed a coat.  I disagreed and made him wear one of mine I found in the trunk.  I think he still has some growing room. 

Ford loves Youtube.  We watch 4-wheelers or tractors every afternoon.  It is some peaceful time that I can get something done for about 1minute and 37 seconds until the show is over and he is screaming “I show you what I want to watch!”  We do this for about 30 minutes!
This pregnancy is absolutely KILLING my face.  My complexion looks like that of a 15 year old.  I take that back, it’s worse.  I wash my face twice a day, use Proactive and the other night I even decided to use a deep cleansing mud mask…..
Ha ha ha!!!!  I hope that picture just brought you a lot of joy.  I took a picture of myself and sent it to a few of my friends in my phone that I knew would appreciate it.  The next day I showed that picture to Trey and he said, “Who is that?”  Ford even wanted to know who it was!!!  I think the freaky looking eyes threw them off!!!!
Well, Monday at 9:00 A.M. is the big day.  All fingers are crossed that the lady will be able to tell the sex of Toto.  Send up a few prayers that all checks out okay.  Ultra sounds always make me super nervous.  Next time I blog I will let y’all know.  Until then……….


Lauren and Nick Miller said...

Great job on the outfit, what do you type in on Youtube, love the mask picture, & can't wait to find out!!!

Anonymous said...

Do you have an iPhone? I promise Ford can navigate it by himself. I just type what he wants to watch in the search box (steam trains, mickey mouse, etc), then he picks the ones he wants to watch. It is a great tool to have for restaurants and long grocery trips.

Ashley said...

im super proud of your sewing skills!!!!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...