Monday, October 17, 2011

The wrong attire again

On Saturday we took the little man to Oxford for the Ole Miss vs. Alabama game.  We began talking about going to the football gave several days in advance and Ford could hardly contain himself.  I managed to squeeze in a morning nap (he was in a foul mood) before we ventured to see our Rebels. 
Ford and Daddy watching the players go down the Walk of Champions…
I usually successfully manage to mess up Ford’s outfit on game day.  Last year I had him dressed like this… for the Ole Miss vs. Kentucky game.  Clearly the wrong colors…
And this year he had an elephant on his shirt!!  Ooopppsssssss
We did find Colonel Rebel or someone dressed like him.
He enjoyed driving his tractors and getting all dirty before the game even started.  Little boys should be covered in dirt I guess.

Ford was so big sitting in his own seat.  We lasted only a few minutes though.
Before we had to go sit inside so he could run around and play…

Ford likes to help me get dressed in the mornings.  On Sunday he pulled out my velcro rollers that I no longer use anymore because what mom has time for those.  I had plenty of time when I was 18 and bought them.  Now I have to make do with my signature pony tail!
Trey gets perturbed when I do stuff like this to Ford, but he clearly asked me to put them in his hair.
We got ready for church a few minutes early and Ford needed to go saw on my bushes for a bit. 

On Wednesday I get to go with this little man on his field trip!  I am so excited… I know we will have quality pictures to come. 

1 comment:

heatherstockett said...

That sounds like something I would do! He still looks cute :)

Love the rollers!!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...