Thursday, October 20, 2011

Goober and the Pumpkin Patch

I often times tell Trey that he is the smartest person I know, however I do wonder why he does some of the things he does.  On Tuesday I went to pick Ford up from school.  When I saw him walking out of the snack room I immediately said, “What does he have on”?  His father had dressed him in the clothes I laid out, but put on socks and sandals.  Apparently the poor baby had been laughed at all day for his nerdiness done to him by his father.  We quickly went to the office and discussed dress code etiquette. 
Exhibit A
Wednesday I took the day off to go on Ford’s first field trip.  I don’t know who was more excited, Ford or me.  It was a nasty day but we got all dressed and headed to the church for the meet up.  Then we drove caravan style to Hernando, MS to visit Cedar Hill Farm.  This is a working farm with lots do to.  First we were given cups of feed and got to give the critters a snack. 

We played with our best girlfriend at school, Anna Lauren.  Ford also taught her how to properly use “dang it” in a sentence! 

We rode the train pulled by a lawn mower.  It was just as good as a real train to Ford though.  He was ready for some more as soon as our turn was over.
There was a chicken show with singing and fun facts about chickens. 

And there was some straw.  Thank goodness it wasn’t hay or I would have been a sneezing fool.    
We also got to ride horses.  His teachers were so tickled watching him ride because they had never seen him act so serious.  I think he was just holding on for dear life.     

No farm is complete without a tractor.  Ford kept asking me where the key was.      
We had a hay ride pulled by a big tractor which Ford asked the man if he could drive.  We had to sit in the back which didn’t sit well with my little man.      
And Ford got to pick his very own pumpkin, but all he really wanted to do some ride that big green tractor.        

He was ticked… it was cold and he wanted to drive the tractor.          

Since I started off making fun of Trey for dressing my child like a goober, I will end on a positive note.  Trey had his very first jury trial yesterday and today and HE WON!!!  I’m so proud of him.           

1 comment:

Lauren and Nick Miller said...

The sandal thing is hilarious!! Congrats to Trey!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...