Sunday, September 4, 2011

Managers, Gumballs, and Night Lights

I really hope on my Judgment Day that the Lord forgives me for all the lying that I do to Ford.  I am telling you, I come up with more stuff that I say to him in the attempt to make him act right.  I know that there is no perfect child, but I have seen many who are better behaved than Ford.  Recently, my parents and the three of us went out to eat a burger at a local restaurant.  Ford was bouncing up and down in the booth, playing with the salt and pepper, going under the table, and anything else you can think of he was doing.  We pointed to a lady in a red shirt and told him she was the “manager” and would come and get on to him if he didn’t straighten up.  He calmed down a bit but sure didn’t take his eye off that “manager” the rest of the meal.

The last few mornings Ford has gotten upset when I left for school.  I leave at 6:45 and he just isn’t ready to let his momma go.  This is what I got on Friday morning from the back door….  

He later told Trey that he needed his momma and Jesus!

We have converted Ford’s room into a big boy room.  He has lots of hand-me-downs in there including this cheap old white table I had in college.

 I slapped a coat of paint on it and now Ford has a bed-side table.

When Trey and I were dating he randomly asked me what my favorite number was.  I told him 44.  He perked up and asked why.  I told him when I was very young (probably 4ish) I asked one of my aunts how old she was and she told me 44.  I really like that aunt, and all my aunts, but decided that since Aunt Carole was 44 that would be my favorite number.  (She doesn’t even know this).  Well it just so happens 44 was Trey’s favorite number as well and what he wore in high school.  Someone had Ford a jersey made so he could look like his daddy did in high school.

We also found this old jersey of Trey’s that Ford wore on Saturday when the Rebels got beat by BYU.

Potty training is still underway around here.  I usually have to bribe Ford with sweet tarts to make him tee tee.  He will go all day for a sweet tart.  He won’t poop for a sweet tart at all.  It’s just not going to happen.  Yesterday while shopping alone at Wal-Mart (it was wonderful…rarely happens) I was able to stroll through the toy section.  I found a $5.00 gumball machine and it was like bright lights were illuminating this thing.  Then a light bulb popped on in my head that this would be great bribery for pooping on the potty.  When I walked in the door from my mini vacation to Wal-Mart Ford promptly tells me that he has dirty pants.  After I changed him I told him I bought him a special surprise and pulled out the gumball machine.  He didn’t know what in the world it was but was super pumped and wanted it opened NOW.  I told him he could “only” have one if he pooped on the potty.  I will have you know that Ford sat on that toilet on and off for about 20 minutes trying to go to the bathroom.  I didn’t want him to get hemorrhoids so I gave him a gumball just to show him how fun it could be.  As luck would have it, he has already gotten another one today!!!  I may be smarter than I ever thought I was……

Ford has slept ALL night and has gone to bed without a fuss since last Monday night.  I will have you know that my $3.97 night light I bought at Wal-Mart is one of my best investments yet.  I would swim and ocean or pay top dollar for a new one if it was to break.  PRAISE GOD FOR A NIGHT LIGHT!

1 comment:

heatherstockett said...

"Momma and Jesus"...Hilarious!!

I'm glad he's doing better at night. Jackson went through a "stage" where he was afraid of the dark. He has 3 night lights and leaves his closet door open with the light on. It's basically day light in his room ;)

Congrats on potty training success!!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...