Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I “think” (my opinion) that we should have Labor Day every month.  I need a day free of labor more than once a year.  Trey spent some of his weekend in the dove field.  We had some friends over to eat the birds he killed.  Trey threw them on the grill and then asked for my camera.  Men and their meat!
On Monday we went to my parents’ house to have lunch.  I decided since we would be traveling north it would be nice to do a little shopping at Target and places of that nature.  Trey only agreed to go early to shop since I told him we could go to the Outdoor Store too.  We women must compromise to get what we want!!!  Ford enjoyed playing in the sleeping bags and putting on the Daniel Boone hat!

When we got to Gran and BoomPa’s house Ford had to make sure his “tractor” (better yet his lawnmower) was okay.
Ford and Uncle Ken playing football with Daddy in the backyard.
Ford and Jack
The kids’ table.  This was big time for Ford.  This was his first time sitting there.  And yes, he had to change clothes after eating.  I think more ended up in his lap than in his mouth.
Dessert or as Ford calls it “Buzzert”

And while we are ALL outside having fun and enjoying the weather it is evident that Trey is missing.  I walked inside to find him asleep on my parents’ couch. 
It’s always exciting trying to get a picture of the 4 grandkids

Burning off that big lunch with some good old fashioned exercise.
So I found this new website through stalking someone else’s blog.  I know that I am probably the last one to know about pinterest, but it’s really amazing.  It’s a must see website.  It has everything from fashion to photography to kids’ stuff etc.  I am 100% not arts and craftsy, although DEEP down I really wish I were.  Well, I found this cute picture of a tree made out of a child’s arm and hand so Ford and I tried it….

Except ours turned out like a train wreck and not at all like the one on the website.  I think you must need to do it with a child older than 2 who will mind you and not fling paint everywhere.  This is our tree…
Pops came over to eat tonight.  Ford and I made him some “buzzert” (dessert) and he helped me clean up the mess.

We want to thank everyone for ALL the prayer and sweet comments we have gotten about Trey’s dad (Pops).  He has his second chemo treatment this week.  We are continuing to pray for positive results. 

And to end my blog on a positive note as well….   I was given an amazing book for my birthday from my ex trainer, (she quit doing her afternoon class) Liz, her daughter and my former student, Lucy, and her other daughter and one of my new students, Ruth.  It’s called Jesus Calling.  It’s a yearly book of daily devotionals and I have learned to love it so much.  I often cheat and read several a night.   It always seems that the Lord knows exactly what I need to hear that day.  Thank you again for my birthday present! 

1 comment:

Lauren and Nick Miller said...

I need to get that book. I heard it was really good! I think I saw that craft on pinterest. Ours would look exactly like that, or worse!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...