Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A handicapped turtle

A friend that I taught school with in Jackson sent us a Flat Stanley.  Some of you non-teachers don’t have a clue what I am talking about, but he’s the little guy Ford is holding.  There is a book called Flat Stanley and part of the reason for reading it is to send Stanley to people in the mail and learn about the geography in their area.  Ford thoroughly enjoyed his visit.  He even ripped off one of his legs. 

On Saturday we went to the Memphis Zoo.  I do love a good zoo!!!  While en route to see the animals I decided that it looked as if rain was in the forecast and Trey disagreed.  I asked him to check on his phone (mine is 1999 style and I don’t have the internet) to see if bad weather was coming.  He said it wasn’t going to rain so we went.  What do you think happened???? 

Ford’s favorite thing at the zoo, the Buddha man.

He was THRILLED when he found his belly button.  My child LOVES a belly button.  He asks to see most peoples and will even yank your shirt up without notice.  It can be rather embarrassing. 

Yes, you guessed it.  It started raining less than ten minutes after we walked in the zoo.  When it started raining hard I said it’s time to go!  Trey of course had on closed toe shoes, long pants, and a warm pull-over.  Ford and I dressed according to what I saw on weather.com… 81 and SUNNY.  I was cold and wet, as was Ford.  I told Trey it was time to get the car and I would run and go get it.  I took off running in my flip flops, skirt, and rain jacket that I was trying to hold closed so I wouldn’t get soaked any more.  I ran a good distance and realized he told me to go out a way in which was completely gated off.  I was not happy to say the least.  Trey thought it was hysterical and said I was running like a HANDICAPPED TURTLE.  How nice is he?????? 

After the zoo we had lunch with his favorite cousins, Molly Cate, Caroline, and Jack.  After every few bites the kids felt the need to show us their dance moves.

What is it about babies that people think they must touch them and get in their faces?  I just don’t know.  Ford has no home training so he decided to get in Baby Jack’s personal space.  POOR JACK!!
 The cutest little man I know

I love Mother’s Day.  I am sure my calling in life was to be a mother.  I have looked forward to it since I played with baby dolls.  It brings me such a great joy to have a child.  Ford can be a handful and challenges my patience everyday, but when he wraps me a present like this how can I not just eat him up!!!??? 
He was beyond proud of his skills might I add.
 My baby and me before church

He had to get in some quality tractor riding before we left too. 

I asked for some new tennis shoes for Mother’s Day.  Trey bought me a size 7 and I wear a size 8 so I had to take them back.  He went with the more conservative gray and white and I opted for wild…. pink and lime green. 

Last night we drove up to Memphis to look at the Mississippi River.  I was amazed at how high it was. 

 Those are the tops of trees

Some of you may remember back in the fall I dressed up like our maintenance man at school.  Well, he and I have continued to play jokes on each other.  When I got home today I noticed that I had driven with this on the front of my car.  He will pay!!!!!!!


heatherstockett said...

Hope you had a wonderful Mother's day! You look amazing! Would've loved to have seen the handicapped turtle run ;)

Lauren and Nick Miller said...

That is pretty funny!

Brittany said...

HAHA, the sign! You had me cracking up several times.

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...