Monday, May 16, 2011

2 year stats 2 weeks late

I am tired of looking at clothes for Ford and them being $50.00 an outfit or having some goofy saying on there.  I had to take matters into my own hands.  I decided to buy some material and have a friend make him some clothes.  This is one of the outfits he is modeling while at the doctor for his 2 year check-up.

Eating a snack

 Cookies make waiting more fun

 Our project

On Sunday Ford and I went to Tupelo to have lunch with some of my family.  One of my cousins was graduating from high school and my aunt had us over for lunch.  Trey couldn’t make the trip because he was in a golf tournament so I had the pleasure of making the journey alone.  Ford only asked 47 times “Where going momma?” 

Ford and his Great Granddaddy

 Ford and his Great Grandmother

 He was entertainment for all

 Another outfit I had made

 BoomPa and Gran

Ford’s two year stats:

Weight: 27.6 lbs. 25-50th percentile
Height: I lost the sheet!! 25-50th percentile
Shoe size: 6.5 to 7
Clothes: 24 months
Diapers: Luvs size 4 during the day and Pampers Dry Baby size 5 at night

Food and Drink: We have graduated from the bottle, but we still have a paci!!! He drinks whole milk from a sippy cup.
Ford prefers salty over sweet.
He loves chips, French fries and peanuts.
Like any good man he loves steak.
Ketchup is his favorite condiment.
Unlike his momma, he is not a big fan of bread. If he has a hamburger it will be the meat only (with ketchup of course).
Lucky Charms are his favorite cereal. For breakfast we have cereal, yogurt, cinnamon rolls, or muffins. Not very exciting… I am a working mom. No time for waffles or pancakes.
He calls green beans, snakes

Interests: His number one favorite thing to talk about is tractors. He wants to ride his new tractor daily. We usually do and he wants to pick up sticks and leaves to put in his wagon.
He also likes trains, planes, helicopters, 18-wheelers, books, crayons, remote controls, keys, telephones, the broom, and 4-wheelers.
He loves to talk about Trey’s and Pop’s yard toys. Such as: their tractors (riding lawn mowers), bubbles (push lawn mowers), weed-eaters, blowers, edger’s, air pumps, etc. All of these items are extremely loud and it makes him want to panic. He just wants to talk about them.
He hates loud noises. If we are outside and something is loud he cries to go inside. He also will nearly knock you down when something is loud so you will hold him.

Educational: He can count to ten.
He knows the colors, red, blue, green, yellow, orange, pink, white, purple, and sometimes black and brown.
He can spell his name. He thinks all letters say F-O-R-D!!!
We are currently learning the ABC’s.
He wants to learn so badly. He is constantly saying, “Momma, what’s that?”
He talks non-stop.
He will start pre-school 2 days a week in the fall.

Other info: He knows where he lives.
He knows when his birthday is and how old he is.
He knows my first name, Trey’s, Puddin, and Pops. I think he might know Gran and BoomPa’s too.
He rarely forgets anything, regardless of how long ago it happened.
He has recently begun calling me “Baby Momma”
He calls Trey "Uncle Daddy"


Lauren and Nick Miller said...

The outfits are cute! I was just complaining about the matching t-shirt & shorts for $60!! They are adorable, but I just cannot justify it. This reminds me to make Reid's 2 year appt!

heatherstockett said...

Love this post!! I know what you mean about clothes...I wanted to get my 3 matching outfits but we won't even discuss the price.

"Uncle Daddy"...hilarious!!

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