Saturday, March 19, 2011

Park City, Utah

I worry.  I worry a lot.  I worry even more now that I have a child.  And when Puddin and Pops started talking about a ski trip back in the fall my worrying went into overload.  Why, you ask?  Well, it involved Ford.  He is not a relaxed and laid back kind of child (I wonder where he gets that from???????).  I had all kinds of visions of what could happen on the flight out there. 
 Preparing for take off

 Walking with Pops

The day finally came, last Saturday, to get on the plane and head to Utah.  We had been talking up the airplane trip to Ford for weeks.  He was super excited about it and off we went.  On the ride from Memphis to Minneapolis, (yes, that is not the way to Utah but that is the flight we were on) Ford kicked the tray table in front of us, stood up in my lap and announced to the entire plane that he saw my belly button, open and closed the window shades, and yelled half way across the plane for Puddin and Pops.  We got off in Minneapolis and literally sprinted across the airport to get on our connecting flight headed to Salt Lake City, Utah.  I decided to juice the little man up on Benadryl.  Ha!!!  Like that worked.  He refused to sleep.  On this flight he leaned over the seat, annoyed the people behind us, spilt his milk in my lap and just flat out did not sit still period.  We made it to Utah in one piece!

 Waiting on our luggage
 Eating at an Irish Pub after we got to Park City

Trey and I went skiing back in March of 2007 and that was my first experience.  After that trip I didn’t have a high regard for skiing.  I have decided the people who really love it have gone many times of grew up skiing.  I went into the whole deal of getting suited up with a positive attitude.  I actually did so much better than I thought I would!

 I do not look very skillful there!

 Ford needed to check out what was happening on the slopes

One of my former principals told all of the teachers that we really needed to make sure we documented everything we did at school.  I always remembered that.  I think that taking pictures is an excellent form of documentation so when Puddin fell down I grabbed my camera!

I may be banned from the family for this, but my absolute FAVORITE part of the trip was watching Johnny T. Lamar (aka Pops) trying to ski.  If I had any sense at all I would have gotten my video camera.  I was in tears.  His skiing career lasted about 32 seconds and he quit.  Let’s just say he needs some private lessons.  I love you, Pops!

Puddin and Pops on skis

 Out to eat

 The restaurant
 Vance's ribs
 Pops putting Ford on a cow

On Tuesday some of our group went snow mobiling. I was excited about this because we could take Ford. I felt guilty leaving him in the room all week while we skied (he was too small).

 Before the big ride

 Our crew

 Everything was so beautiful
 8,200 Feet Up

I love my Mississippi and can’t imagine myself living anywhere else, but Utah was absolutely gorgeous.  I am so glad I was able to experience all its beauty. 

 Ford and his friend, Audrey
 All the crew that went skiing minus 3
 The Lamar family
 Callie and me riding the gondola

On Wednesday we shuttled over to the Canyons to ski.  For anyone who keeps up with the Winter Olympics, we skied in the same places where they had them a few years back. 

Trey is a much better skier than I could ever dream of being.  Sometimes overconfidence will make you stumble.  And that he did…. Right into a tree!

I felt Arabian

While skiing at the Canyons the Lord was really on Trey Lamar’s side.  He tricked me into going down a blue (which is MUCH harder than runs I like to ski).  I was squealing and thinking nasty thoughts the entire way down each of the mountains we went on, but lucky for him I never fell.  And let me toot toot my horn and say I only fell ONCE the entire trip and it was simply because I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going!

I skied down that mountain. Please notice how small the people look coming down it.

 The town of Park City
Trey, Ford, and I left on Thursday to come home.  We made it here in one piece and the little man actually slept some on the plane this time.  We had such a fun time and made lots of wonderful memories.  We are so thankful to have this experience with Ford.  Thanks for a fabulous trip, Puddin and Pops!!!!!!

And we came home to a new hair cut and 80 degree weather.
And no, our house isn’t finished yet. I will save that for another post.


heatherstockett said...

Love, love, LOVE all the pics! I would've love to have seen a video of Pops "skiing" ;) Ford looks like he had a great time, too.

Kimberly Roberts Moore said...

Park City is one of my favorite places to go skiing!!! Looks like ya'll had so much fuN!!

Marla, Wes, and April said...

It looks like you guys had a great time. My brother is over in the west in Arvada, CO. I hope that one day we will be able to take a nice road trip and see all of those beautiful places that we usually only see on tv. God Bless

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...