Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Not holding my breath

My cool factor has increased.  It’s hard to imagine, but it has.  I finally got my bike... and it has a baby seat for my man, Ford!  No, it’s not Mother’s Day or my birthday, but I did have some extra Christmas money left over and I decided to put it to good use.  I went with a Schwinn.

 Trey and Ford eating Sunday morning breakfast on the back steps.

I love a tradition.  When Trey and I moved to Senatobia four years ago I told his mom that I thought we should eat Sunday lunch at their house every Sunday after church.  Smart move, huh?  Being the loving mother- in-law that she is, she agreed and we have eaten out there every Sunday since.  Ford enjoys himself on Sundays as well.  Last Sunday he stole my corn on the cob.

After his nap on Sunday we took him to ride a “big tractor.”  He had a ball.

The weather has been wonderful lately.  This afternoon Ford and I spent about 3 hours outside.  We started off with bubbles. 

He has yet to grasp the concept of blowing the bubbles.  Rather, he licks the bubble stick.  Nothing like a little soap in the mouth! 

And ohhhh no, his hands got dirty. He is NOT a fan of dirty hands.

He had enough of the bubbles and needed in the back yard with Delta.  He quickly found the water hose so I turned it on for him. 

 Washing his hair

Today is day 40 of our home renovation.  You would think after 40 days that one measly room would be complete.  They can build an entire house in a week on Extreme Home Make-Over and I can’t get one room done.  We decided to go ahead and get some built in cabinets done which has slowed the process down.  The guys said it might be done this Friday.  I won’t hold my breath.   
I am really looking forward to this weekend.  I don’t think we have ANY plans.  This will be the only weekend for about 5 months that we have free.  I am thinking a zoo trip might be in store…. 


Lauren and Nick Miller said...

Yay!! You got a bike! I love your built ins!

heatherstockett said...

Love the cabinets!

I'm so happy for you and your newest cool factor ;) I have to say that when I was looking at it in the second pic, it looks like you have a humongous hitachi tire...then I realized it was just something else.

Our tradition...every Sunday night, our family has supper at my dad's house. It's been going on for as long as I can remember.

Louisa said...

I think you need a helmet to match Ford's!

About Us said...

I can't believe you've lived in Senatobia for four years....I was there yesterday and Uncle B was telling me a funny story about Trey - we used to live in the red brick house across from yours - Uncle B dressed up like Big Bird for my third birthday party and Trey hit him in the face and said, "You're not the real big bird."

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...