Sunday, February 13, 2011

Keep 'em covered, people

Have you ever felt like your life was robotic? The other day I told Trey that I felt like a robot. I wake up and do pretty much the same thing every day, go to bed and then start over. Occasionally we throw something wild and crazy in there and go out to eat, but usually we lead a pretty simple and dull life. Don’t get me wrong, I like dull. Trey on the other hand likes to go.  All was dull with my life until Friday…

Last Thursday he went to Jackson on business. Ford and I had plans to come down on Friday when I finished school. I had packed the car on Thursday night and Friday morning. On Friday after school I had to run back to our house to get one last bag and grab Ford some milk. When I got out of the car I heard a funny noise. We had gotten snow on Wednesday and I assumed it was the snow dripping off the house. I looked up and didn’t see any drippage. Instead of snow dripping from our roof a pipe had burst and was shooting out the outside wall. A SMALL amount of panic filled my body. My first thought was Ahhhhhhh Trey is out of town. So I called my father in law and said I would not be by to pick him up in 15 minutes that I had a situation on my hands. He said to turn off the water. I am a woman… I do not know how to do that. I hung up with him and called the maintenance man from school (the one I dressed up like that day). He was there in a jiffy and we got the water off. Fortunately it happened in the laundry room and the back door is right next to that so I grabbed the mop and started shooting it out the door. It was cold that day but I was in such a panic I was sweating!!!!! Ford loved it… he got to play outside and ride Daddy’s tractor while I was shoveling water. Within and hour I had the water off and it out of my house. See pictures….

Water coming out of the wall...

 You can't see the water but it covered the floor
 All in laundry room
 Towels were a joke!  The mop worked best
 Pops came to assist
 Our wood floor is ruined and some of the base boards. I am so fortunate that I went back home to grab that bag or our house would have been completely flooded by the time we got home from Jackson on Sunday afternoon. Based on the amount of water I think it had run about and hour or two.

The excitement didn’t stop me from going to Jackson though. After it was cleaned, the water cut off and the plumber called we headed south. It was good to get away from Mayberry for the weekend. Puddin has a house down there so the accommodations were lovely. On Saturday we went to see my grandparents….

 Ford showing Granddaddy the grandfather clock
 Talking to Grandmother
Ford was fascinated with Granddaddy’s walker

 Piano time

My Great Aunt Rose came over and brought her play monkey. It giggles and rolls around on the floor. Ford was amazed by this thing.

 Hugging Grandmother goodbye
 And Granddaddy too
After all the visiting we went to eat at Keifers

 Then back to Puddin's house to play on the stairs.  I am really glad we don't have stairs in our house.  He made me nervous.

He was so proud of himself for sticking two pappies in his mouth
 Having a sucker when we got home

 Then he needed to mow.  The weather was so nice today. 
 And drive his car at Puddin and Pop's house

I am NOT crafty, however many of my blog readers are. My mother in-law had this picture frame at her house that one of her friends made for her. After looking at it I decided it would be easy to make. But we all know I will never make one like this because that’s just not me. Anyway, it’s a piece of wood, maybe some craft paper, a flower and twigs and a plastic frame. And Walla… look at that! One of you out there needs to mimic this frame and post a picture. I know someone can do it.

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day and I had big plans to take a cute picture of Ford and send out Valentine cards to close friends and family.  Well, that sure didn’t happen with all the stomach bug going on around here.  I got my present early today… a clean car.  That is all I wanted and my sweet husband spent most of the afternoon washing and vacuuming my nasty car out.  THANKS!!!!!

And the conclusion to today’s blog… COVER YOUR OUTSIUDE FAUCETS!!!! 


heatherstockett said...

I know you're so glad you went home! That could've been REALLY bad.

Love the pics with granddaddy :) And the one with Ford and 2 pacis. Hope you have a great week!!

Brittany said...

You should of called us to meet ya'll at Keiffer's! Ryder has become a regular. We love it

Lauren and Nick Miller said...

Thank God you went home when you did! It's just such an annoying thing to happen...not something fun to spend time & money on.

Katie said...

How terrible about the water! I agree that the kiddos must get together soon. Miss you

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...