Thursday, February 10, 2011


Yesterday we got out of school early for snow. Today I got to stay home with my little man. We had a big time. We woke up and rocked and then went and made some banana nut muffins. No one raise their eyebrows. They were the ones you just add milk to. Scrooge (Trey) got up and said that he didn’t like that kind and he didn’t know why I kept buying them. I promptly told him that Ford and I liked them and he was free to eat cereal if he wanted. He has been after me about my cooking lately. Tuesday night he told me I cook the same things all the time or something that is a casserole. I really don’t even cook that much…. just once or twice a week. I think he had a bad day at work and needed to take some of his aggression out on someone and I was the lucky victim!!!

Back to our day… after the muffins we played with the Mr. Potato Head, built towers with his blocks and ran trucks into them, sang songs, and OH YEAH… played in the snow.

He is serious about playing in the snow.  It took about 10 minutes to dress him.

 Of course we had to walk straight down to the tractor.   To clarify, we do not own this big yellow tractor you see in so many of my blog posts.  It’s across the street near the railroad tracks.  We trespass! 

 We got up and down about 10 times until I had enough of that game.

 Walking back home... got to cross the railroad tracks first...
 He saw this and said... "Water Hose!"
 Watching people sled

 Such a sweet little man....

 Some More Ford Facts…

Ford is so funny. He definitely has a quirky little personality. Lately he won’t let me take his jacket or coat off. When I get home from school he insists on wearing it for a while before he is ready to take it off. Every Sunday at church he pitches a fit if I try to take his coat off. The ladies in the nursery get tickled.

He hates for his hands to be dirty. He needs to wipe them off immediately if something gets on them.

He is trying to learn to spell his name. Santa brought him some bath-tub markers for Christmas and we practice writing in the tub. He wants me to write it and then he scribbles over it saying “O” “R” … he misses a few letters!

If you ask him what color something is 99% of the time he will say blue. I believe he does know several colors. Gran and BoomPa gave him some colors for toddlers and he can tell me they are blue, green, and red. I think he likes to mess with me mostly!

He loves pizza! He ate 2 pieces of Dominos pizza tonight (minus the crust). He likes soup a lot. I made vegetable soup last night and he enjoyed it.

He doesn’t like sweets as much as his Momma... he must get that from his Daddy.

He likes to sweep the floor.

He loves Delta. I believe she is tolerating him more lately than normal. If he can’t find her he will yell… De-ta…. No “L” needed in her name (Delta).

He can’t stand for someone to leave the room or go somewhere. It drives him nuts. He doesn’t cry he just asks me about 200 times where they went and if they “Be back?”

He has learned to say his first and last name.

The child doesn’t forget ANYTHING. It’s crazy. You can tell him something one time and a few weeks later he may talk about it. He keeps telling me “I bite Emma.” That is the baby he bit at his sitter’s house. He randomly tells me “I go vote, Daddy.” Trey and Ford went to vote one day and he remembers. Back during Christmas we went to visit some of my family and he tells me daily he needs to ride my Uncle’s tractor. We better be careful what we say… he will remember!

If I talk on the phone he wants to know who I am talking to. If I take his picture he always needs to look at it.

He has become super independent. I call him Mr. Independent a lot. You know he needs to feed himself, put his own shoes on. etc….

Ford loves to take a bath.  We usually can’t stay in there too long because he has a slight case of eczema which irritates his skin.   Every time I tell him we have to get out he pull this move (see below) and says “I swimming Momma.”

 PLEASE look at that belly!!!!!  After 2 pieces of pizza.
 Hide-n-Go Seek
 The boys loves a book

This is on my ride home from school yesterday.  It hadn’t been snowing even 2 hours at this point.  And for all you who are freaking out… I was on my street.  I don’t drive down the road and take pictures.
Felicia, I hope you enjoyed this!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

heatherstockett said...

I love his little belly! Jackson doesn't forget anything either... we were at the Toyota dealership several months ago and he saw a commercial for it the other day and said, "Dat's where I fall down and got a bobo". We couldn't believe he remembered falling down there. Hope y'all have a great weekend!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...