Sunday, November 21, 2010

145 blog posts and they say I am out of room

 This past week was very busy for us, but what week isn’t??!!

One night last week Ford crawled up on the couch with a fist full of pacie’s (pacifiers) and started reading himself a book.

My little man fast asleep in his sack.

I leave for work every morning about 6:45. At this time Ford has usually had his milk and I am trying to convince Trey that it is time for him to get out of bed because I have to leave. Now he will try to lie and say that he is up by this hour, but ohhh no!!! He is still in bed at 6:45 when I get up at 5:00 (Trey that is). Therefore, Trey is left to feed Ford his breakfast, dress him, all the while getting himself ready.

If you remember correctly from this summer Trey moved out of my bathroom and into the guest bathroom. Things have worked out beautifully since then too, might I add. Well, the other morning it was rather chilly so I turned the heater on in my bathroom and told Trey that he was welcome to shower in there. Apparently he took me up on my offer and Ford had a nice time unloading my toiletries.  I guess Trey thought it would be kind to leave Ford’s masterpiece for me to see. 

 Bobba's for Thanksgiving

Holidays are always fun but it can be a bit tricky trying to balance seeing all of your family and managing to stay sane all the while.  Fortunately, Trey’s grandmother, better known at Bobba, has her Thanksgiving early.  Here is Ford enjoying himself on Saturday. 

We left Bobba’s house and headed to a birthday party.  Ford enjoyed sitting in this little swing.

And driving the police car
Then back to the swing
Puddin and Pops kept Ford last night so Trey and I could go to a post wedding party for some friends.  This morning after we picked he really needed a donut. 
He is ALL boy.  Trains, tractors, and “ballgame hats” are some of his favorite things.  He found Uncle Vance’s football helmet last night and started saying “ballgame hat” to Puddin.  Puddin also taught Ford how to blow his nose which I am extremely grateful for!!!
On Pop's tractor
Looking at the horses with Daddy
Changing the subject. So, apparently, you can run out of space on this little blogger website… which is something NO ONE warned me about. Right in the middle of me trying to upload pictures it popped up and said I had run out of room and needed to purchase more picture space. No fear, my faithful readers, I purchased some so I can continue to entertain everyone with the exciting life the Lamars lead.

This is my Thanksgiving break. I get the entire week off! Trey is excited because he won’t have to manage himself and Ford in the mornings and I may actually cook for the first time in weeks. And I am excited to get away from my 24 darlings….
(Please notice the boy on the front row.  He looks like he is praying.  He might be asking for a new teacher after the Thanksgiving break!!!)

And I actually might get some stuff done. I have a large list (in my head) of things to do. What you ask? Pull up the 72 flowers Trey and I planted this spring and put down some pansies, wrap some Christmas presents, clean out a closet, possibly see the bottom of my laundry basket etc. Just a few simple things you know!!! I plan to have a cute post sometime soon this week so stay tuned.

Gobble Gobble.

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...