Monday, November 15, 2010

Bargain Shopper

Last week was such a busy week, as I stated in my last blog entry. I hope this post will be better.

On Thursday, I had to take Ford to the doctor for his 18 months shots. BoomPa and Gran came along for moral support since shot days are never any fun. With much anxiety and great hesitation I let them give Ford the M.M.R. shot. This particular shot made me very nervous since it has been known to cause autism and I saw some first hand cases of autistic children last school year (when I worked as a special education teacher). Ford was not a fan of the shots, but all went well.


Weight: 24.3 pounds= 25th percentile
Height: 50th percentile
Head Circumference: 75th percentile

 Last Friday afternoon was such a nice day.   I came home and changed clothes and then Ford and I played outside and ate a snack.  Yes, that is a bottle that you see in his hand.   Don’t judge me!!!  He usually only has a bottle in the morning and at night.  But he really wanted one so I gave in.  By Christmas I hope to have all bottles gone!   

We can’t be outside for more than 2.5 seconds before he starts talking about tractors.  Therefore, we had to go find us a tractor to sit on.

 He has on my earrings.  And would you PLEASE check out those lashes!!!  What I would do for eyelashes like them. 

On Friday nights we go to “snacks” with Puddin and Pops to Big Momma and Big Daddy’s house (friends of Puddin and Pops).  Ford was getting sleepy and needed to rock.  He found him a chair.

On Saturday, Senatobia had its annual Christmas Open House in town at all the stores.  I really look forward to it even though I do not buy much at all.  Puddin and I decided to bring Ford along for the ride.  Looking back on that decision, it wasn’t one of our better moves.  Shopping interfered with naptime and he didn’t understand why he couldn’t play with any and everything in the store which lead to a few meltdowns.

Playing with Uncle Vance’s hat

I love the Dollar Tree.  I can find good treasures for school in that place.  I stopped by on Saturday and saw this little blow up chair which Ford has thoroughly enjoyed. 

And while we are talking about bargains I found Ford this cute little Kelly’s Kids outfit at a consignment store this weekend in town.  I am still very particular about what I will and won’t let him wear since I still want him to look like a baby and not a 5 year old.  So when I happened upon this outfit I was excited.  Ford is wearing 18 months and the tags on it said 24 months.  I figured I could move the buttons (or have Puddin help me since I don’t sew) so I went ahead and bought it.  When I got home I noticed the tag inside said 12 months and I was a bit ticked.  Fortunately, it fits… for now at least.

If you will please notice that Ford has a Thomas the Train piece in his hand. I don’t know anything about Thomas the Train, but apparently he is popular and a big hit among the little boys. While we were out shopping on Saturday a lady who owns a store in town gave Ford that little train. I didn’t think much of it other than she was giving it to us to get my destructive child out of her store. When I got home I realize that little thing cost $25.00. It was pretty funny when Trey thought “I” actually paid $25.00 for that little train. Ford better treat it with care because at that rate I can’t afford to buy him an entire track of cars.

I drug Ford out to the stores again for some more shopping on Sunday.

Taking a bath.  He is so big… he helps wash his hair.

Playing on the bed before his bedtime.

Sleepy... A hard day of playing


heatherstockett said...

I love the firetruck outfit. Jackson LOVES Thomas the train! Get ready! The single trains are cheaper than the ones with tenders (~$12 vs $22). I swear Jackson has almost every one of them and knows all their names. A helpful hint: the Imaginarium brand at Toys R Us will fit with Thomas stuff. So buy their track and table and then buy the Thomas trains :) Best of luck!

Lauren and Nick Miller said...

Notice Ford & Reid both had on "gobble gobble" t-shirts:) Um, I've been saying for a while now that I really hope Reid doesn't get into Thomas the Train! They are ridiculous.

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...