Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What we did....

Hold your applause please. I know this is the second time I have blogged in two days, but I promised ya’ll some pictures of our fall break and I would hate to disappoint anyone who has been waiting.


I made it half way down the hall when I heard a small crash and Ford start to scream.  I went back to discover…


That was exciting… needless to say.

Trey asked us to ride to Batesville with him on some business.  He twisted my arm when he said we could stop for lunch.  I was real excited about that since Senatobia doesn’t have much to offer other than fast food restaurants.  We opted for a cute little joint and chose to sit outside since the weather was lovely and Ford does tend to get loud at times.  Lucky for him he found a golf cart behind the fence. 

Behaviors such as these would horrify my father.  I was never allowed to act this way as a child....  still not as an adult. 

Next it was time to pick out a pumpkin.

The sweet lady at the store gave Ford a baby pumpkin… which he called a punkin.

I love to ruffle Trey’s feathers. I promise… this story does go along with my fall break. About 3 months after I had Ford my hair started falling out in large amounts. I heard that hair loss was normal after child birth but I got a bit concerned and went to the doctor to get the situation checked out. After leaving the doctor I called Trey and he asked how things went. I explained that my hair was falling out due to a calcium deficiency, breast feeding, and since I was 4 weeks pregnant. There was a sickening silence on the phone and then I started laughing and told him I was kidding. Ford was maybe 4 months old at this time and I think he was a bit concerned. He is just so fun to mess with. Now… on with my story. I told Trey that I was buying a pumpkin for each one of us. When Trey came home from work yesterday he very seriously said… Jill, I need to ask you something. I turned around and he said… why are there 4 pumpkins on the back porch?

I smiled real big and laughed. I said I am not pregnant… the lady at the store gave Ford a little pumpkin of his own. I think I made him BAD nervous!!!!!


Eating breakfast
We took Delta to the vet this morning, bought stamps, strolled through the park, and of course... had to play in the shop.

Like any good momma would do, I took Ford shopping.

Then God brought on the rain so we came home and played in Mommy’s closet.

And in case you were wondering, yes, it is always that clean!!

We watched it rain some out the door.

We played with some toys.

We took a bath.

Played some more...

Then we drank our bottle and were asleep BEFORE 7:00. It’s hard being 17 months old!

I had a wonderful fall break.  I hope you enjoyed our last 2 days.  And for the record, I won’t be blogging again in 2 days!!!  Maybe this weekend.


Lauren and Nick Miller said...

Adorable post!

heatherstockett said...

I love all the pics! The Trey story is HILARIOUS! I even told Adam and he got a kick out of it ;) Glad you had good times with your little man.

Brittany said...

I truly think Ryder and Ford are two peas in a pod. It appears Ford is as all over the place as Ryder is. Slightly out of control.

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...