Thursday, September 9, 2010


About two months ago Ford, Gran, and I went to Tupelo to get his hands and feet done at Midnite Pottery in Tupelo. Well, his piece is adorable. I couldn’t have imagined it being so cute. I am so glad we had this done. Thanks again Aunt Elizabeth and Uncle Jeff!!!
Last Friday when I got home from school and changed Ford’s diaper I decided that he felt really hot. I took his temperature and he had 103.4. He ran fever on and off all weekend and finally on Tuesday Trey and I took him to the doctor. We were told he has “teething syndrome” and basically just to deal with it. Another doctor several months back told us that babies don’t run fever from teething that something else has to be going on with them. I wish these doctors would get all their information clear. I was one worried momma.

Trey took these pictures. Please notice me through the mirror in the background. I FELT horrible. I was sure I was about to be sick right then and there in that exam room. Luckily, I didn’t get sick… just felt bad for a bit. The stomach bug is going around at my school. I am crossing my fingers not to get it!

Ford helping me cook

Tonight Trey, Ford, all 4 grandparents, and myself went to eat before the North West Community College football game. We skipped out on the game but enjoyed a burger before.
Daddy, Ford, and BoomPa
Ford and BoomPa.  I love this picture.
Ford and Gran.  Sweet Gran kept Ford 2 days this week while we are still without a sitter.
It just wouldn’t be a good blog entry if I didn’t talk about Trey and what all he has done. I have 2 good Trey stories. I think I will tell one this time and one next time. On Wednesday, Ford went to work with Trey before my mom got to town to keep him. Trey’s office is upstairs in their building. Trey had Ford upstairs with him and decided he needed to run out to the car. Trey shut Ford in his office and went downstairs, out the door, and to the car. When Trey came back inside Ford had managed to open his office door and climb down the stairs alone. When Trey rounded the corner he said Ford was at the third step from the bottom.

I, myself, was not impressed with his parenting skills on this particular morning. Neither was Pops, who works with Trey. I explained that he can’t leave that child unattended for 2 seconds. He is like Houdini. I think that was an eye opener to Trey. Ford has some skills!

I am starting a photography class next week so hopefully my picture taking skills will improve.

1 comment:

Lauren and Nick Miller said...

I've always wanted to take a photography class! That will be so fun. Where are you taking it?

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...