Monday, September 13, 2010

Ohhh those Keebler Elves

Oh let me tell you… The Keebler Elves have REALLY outdone themselves this time. I found some new cookies at Wal-Mart this weekend called “Coconut Dreams.” They taste just like those Girl Scout cookies called Caramel Delights. Now I can eat them more than once a year. I know Liz, my trainer, that means more times running up and down the stairs. Ohhhhhhh but they are so worth it!!!

Ford had another fun birthday party this weekend. It was at a place called Cedar Hill Farms. He got to ride a train, go on a hayride pulled by a tractor (big plus), see a chicken puppet show, ride a pony, and see lots of animals.
I know you like that face I am making. The pony kicked my foot. Trey had to take over.
I was a bit worried about the “hay” ride and expressed my concerns to Trey. I am allergic to hay and most anything else outdoors. It makes my eyes water, nose run, and I sneeze. The captain of the hay ride assured me it wasn’t hay, but straw and better yet, it was wheat straw. I saddled up.

After all the fun stuff it was time for cake and presents. Ford entertained himself very well.

On Sunday afternoons we like to find something outdoorsy to do. Last weekend it was dove hunting and this weekend it was fishing. I, personally, am not a fan, only because I have never caught a fish. I have only held a fishing pole a matter of a few minutes though. Patience is something I am still trying to acquire when it comes to fishing. But, we thought it would be a good idea to go fishing at our new property.

Trey caught a fish and Ford was not a fan.
Then we decided to get down in play in our boots and $2.00 Wal-Mart shorts.
Our sitter is back after 14 days off. I want to thank all of our help again. We could have NEVER made it without ya’ll!!!!!
You know I give Trey absolute fits on here. I am sure he cringes when he knows that I am back here blogging… just wondering what will she write about me now. I have gotten a lot of feedback on my stories I post about Trey. I have told him for years now that he is so fun to pick on because he never strikes back. But I am not going to pick on him today. He deserves a break!!

I love you Trey and I thank you for working so hard to support our family. You are a wonderful husband and father!!!

Ford is talking up a storm. He is putting 2 and 3 words together and trying desperately to communicate with us. He is so funny. We are having the best time with him right now.
Uncle Vance


Lauren and Nick Miller said...

Gah I wish we could get Reid & Ford together! They would have so much fun!

Janice said...

We love the boots and shorts- too cute! I also don't think you look "thicker." You are so dang skinny and always look cute no matter what :)

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...