Monday, September 6, 2010

Drummer Boy

We have had some interesting critters around our house lately. Last week it was the gray kitty and this week it was a SNAKE! Ughhhhhhhhhh!!! I wasn’t even the one who spotted it either, Ford’s favorite baby sitter, Lucy, did. Luckily, it had a frog in its mouth so it couldn’t get us, and I quickly called Trey to come home and chop its head off.

We have been having themed Fridays at school to get everyone pepped up for the football games. This past Friday was Hillbilly day! Ms. Magee and myself….

We have had a busy weekend. It was opening weekend of DOVE hunting!!! Puddin bought Ford some new Carhart overalls, but they were a tad too big so we went with what we had..
Last year at this time Ford was such a little fella…
On the way home from Dove Hunting we stopped by a party. No one loves a party more than Trey… well, maybe Ford does. This was the real deal kind of party, a band and all. When the drummer took a break, Ford picked up where he left off.

Ford and Pops
Ford and Puddin
We are still without a babysitter. We want to say a special thanks to EVERYONE who has been helping us keep our little man so we could go to work. I know it’s putting a strain on all involved, but Trey and I really appreciate it.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my 3 day weekend. I hope you have too. I really needed it. Have a lovely 4 day week everyone.

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...