Sunday, June 27, 2010

Oil and Tar Can't Stop Us

Despite the news, rumors, and fears by most, we took our chances and headed south to the beach. This was our annual Anthony family beach trip taken every summer with my parents. I honestly expected things to be bad and for oil and tar to be all in the water but it was actually beautiful. Tar balls did wash up one afternoon but were gone by the next morning. I took over 400 pictures and after I went through my camera and deleted some I download 315 to my computer. No, I won’t torture you with all of them, but get ready because I have lots to share!

The ride to the beach in Pop’s van!!!

Notice the nice window covering we made for Ford. The tape is compliments of all the stuff I keep in my purse!!! You just never know what you might need.

 Day 1 on the beach

Eating some popsicles and hanging out with my cousins.
Watching the waves….

Going out to eat

Ford and BoomPa

That is chocolate on his face

Ford and Gran

Just Ford
Baytown and Acme Oyster Bar



Ford eating a lollipop

Date night.... No kids.
More Ford
The Kids....

Ford and Daddy
Ford and Mommy

The Family

As you can see the trip was a success. We only forgot one bag in Senatobia with phone chargers, baby monitors, my glasses, and the noise makers for peaceful sleeping purposes, but other than that everything went fairly smoothly. The ride home was a different story thanks to Trey’s bright idea to go home a new way. I got upset when we turned around for the THIRD time, but it was nothing a quick stop at the gas station and a Twix couldn’t fix.

Thanks Mom and Dad for another wonderful trip to the beach. We really had a wonderful time and made some lifelong memories. We love you both VERY much!!!!!!


Lauren and Nick Miller said...

Looks like yall had a really good time. The pictures are so good!

Amanda said...

I LOVED looking at the pics, Jill! All of the kiddos were dressed so cute. It is so fun to start making memories and traditions with siblings and their kids too.

Margaret said...

Great pictures! And I really like the dress you wore for your date night.

heatherstockett said...

How fun!! Love all the pics! Esp the one of Ford and Trey on the horse :)

Ashley said...

Very Cute!!
I love the picture of Ford giving you a kiss!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...