Thursday, June 17, 2010

Easy Week

I love to see a sleeping baby.

There’s just not a lot happening in Lamarville right now. It’s hot as blue blazes here so we haven’t even been playing the water hose as much and as far as the wagon and the little red car are concerned those have been parked in the storage room.

Ford learned how to give “5” this week and I have been helping out with VBS at our church. We have been running a lot of errands. I am not sure where I come up with so much to do but it consumes a large chunk of my day. Today I had 20 things on my list and I still have 8 left. And blogging was not on the list!!! When school starts back I may need a personal assistant to help me out some!!!

Yes, my living room IS always that clean!!!

I am still going to work out with Lucy’s mom, the personal trainer from you know where!!!! I am kidding, she is just trying to get me in shape while causing me great bodily harm and discomfort.

Ford still only has 6 teeth. It seems like we got all 6 really quick and now we are at a stand still. He eats, peas, green beans, butter beans, apple sauce, cheese, baby yogurt, Tyson chicken strips, turkey, Cheerios, baby snacks, chocolate pudding etc. He won’t eat real fruit, only baby food fruit. I think it’s the texture. He won’t eat noodles either… texture again. What do you other moms feed your babies??? Now of course when Puddin cooks her big Sunday lunch he eats other things as well, but what is listed above is a usual lunch or supper choice.

Getting ready for a nap


Lauren and Nick Miller said...

Reid loves pb & j sanwiches. I know it's not the healthiest, but I use whole wheat bread, all natural pb, & no sugar added jelly, so it can't be that bad. I just cut it in really small pieces. He also likes the cheese & beef raviolis in the microwaveable cans...they are real soft.I do yogurt a lot for snacks, but sometimes if we are out I will tear up a nutra grain bar & he'll eat the whole thing. He's still real funny about a lot of stuff, which is frustrating cause it seems like I keep getting stuck on the same things.

Margaret said...

I love that last picture. I finally posted what's inside my purse.

Katie said...

I admit that I buy the Gerber toddler meals for Josie for when we are eating something she can't have. They are usually pretty balanced. Josie loves fresh fruit and string cheese. A banana is her favorite! I love the picture of him sleeping.

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...