Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Yes, He is Advanced

Yes, I believe my child is advanced. He was rolling over before he was 8 weeks, crawling at 5 months, began walking before he was 8 months old and now at not even 1 year of age he has hit the “terrible twos”!!!!!! For some strange reason (spoiled maybe) he has been pitching some fits lately. I decided to document like a good mother would.

As discussed in the last blog, Delta was missing for almost 24 hours and had fallen in a hole in between a neighbor’s house and deck. Here are some visuals for you to get the full picture.

I am sort of ashamed to admit that I have NEVER cut Ford’s fingernails or toenails. No, he is not going in the Guinness Book of World Records for the baby with the longest nails; I have just put the lovely duty off on someone else. Amy works with Trey and has 3 kids of her own. I figured she would be a pro at nail cutting and asked her to do it when he was 11 weeks old for the first time. It has become a weekly tradition to get Mrs. Amy to give Ford a mani and pedi!!!
He got a sucker for a treat! 

Mom and Ashley, be proud of my short blog post this time since you two like to tell me I write too much!!!

One more thing… If you are wondering what is wrong with Ford’s face, he fell down in the driveway while pushing his stroller.


Anonymous said...

I did enjoy and love the shorter blog. You also do not have to be nice and not tell everyone that your mother let him fall down in the driveway. We will stay on grass from now on!

Ashley said...

ha!! I actually read the WHOLE post! Seriously?? I love the crying pictures...that's real life! As for the hole...I was expecting like well, or some kind of hole in the ground with mud and dirt. Not as dramatic as I thought! Lastly...does Ford need a gift certificate to get his nails done??HA!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...