Thursday, February 4, 2010

I just drove an hour for this....

It seems to be so hard for me to have time to blog between work, baby stuff, laundry, cooking, errands, cleaning, etc. I do love to blog though. Today I was trying to decide which is a harder job; being a stay at home mom or a working mom. They both have their pros and cons but I am really leaning towards the stay at home mom being harder. I do all that I used to do and work too, but I just remember being so exhausted at the end of the day when all we did was stay home. I appreciate the time I spend with Ford more now that I don’t get as much of it.

Cleaning out for me...
The little man turned 9 months on Monday. Ohhhhh it’s so hard to believe. Being that he is 9 months, it was time for a check-up. I, along with my mom, decided that our pediatrician was not exactly meeting our needs. She just wasn’t very informative or warm and loving. I decided to make an appointment at the place where my sister in-law takes my nieces in Germantown. Our appointment was scheduled for 2:15 on Wednesday and we arrived at 2:00 to fill out all of the lovely paperwork. Gran went in the well child waiting room with the Fordster while I checked in. The receptionist (who looked like she hated her life might I add) asked for my insurance card. I handed it over. She looked oddly and then held it out to the woman sitting next to her and she said I am sorry ma’am but we don’t accept that type of Blue Cross Blue Shield. WHAT!!!!!!!??? I just drove an hour to be told it’s a no go on seeing the doctor. I was not a happy white girl. I did not act inappropriately though, I just explained that they really should have told me that and I had driven an hour. Gran, Ford, and I left without seeing the doctor. So apparently a lot of doctors’ offices do not like my Blue Cross Blue Shield state employee health insurance coverage plan and it is making my life difficult. Trey and I are in the process of finding a new pediatrician.


1 (8 oz.) package cream cheese, softened
½ cup butter or margarine
1 cup self rising flour

Beat cream cheese and butter at medium speed with an electric mixer for 2 minutes or until creamy. Gradually add flour, beating at low speed just until blended.
Spoon dough into ungreased miniature muffin pans, filling full. Bake at 400 for 15-17 minutes or until golden brown. Serve hot.

And since my sister in-law requested pictures here you go….

Trey ate the missing one

Our friends Seth and Julie came into town from Cleveland with their boys, John Everett and James last week. Ford and James are about 5 weeks apart in age so we went to play with them while they were here….

Playing in Daddy's laundry basket

1 comment:

The Dimino's said...

Oh my!! I would have been so angry!! We switched pediatricians too!! We didn't care to much for the first one!! Ford is just adorable!!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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