Monday, December 14, 2009

Is it necessary to be rude?

So I haven’t blogged lately. It’s been a whole week!!! I bet some of you thought I fell off the face of the Earth. Nope… I’m here. I have been spending most of my time stressing about a Christmas card. I was stressed about getting a cute picture of Ford and then it stressed me out to stuff, stamp, seal, and address them all. I was in a Baaahhhhh Humbug mood on Friday. I am over that now. I love checking the mail everyday to see what the cards look like this year. Keep ‘em coming people!

There are two sets of people I really love: children and old people. Last week Ford and I ran to Wal-Mart to get some diapers and I got in one of those speedy (10 items or less) lanes. I got behind a lady who was between 70 to 80 years old… maybe older. She put her stuff down and then handed the lady a gift card. She told the clerk she wanted to pay with the card. The clerk told her to swipe her card. Apparently this lady normally paid with cash and didn’t understand the concept of using the card machine. The clerk snatched the card from the lady’s hand and did it for her. She then proceeded to snap at her to press the payment key. The poor lady couldn’t figure it out so I pushed it for her. She smiled and thanked me and then told the clerk to have a Merry Christmas. Now it was by the GRACE OF GOD that I didn’t let the RUDE clerk have an ear full. I mean WHY BE RUDE…. Especially to sweet old people????? And it’s Christmas for goodness sakes. Just thought I would share my recent Wal-Mart experience. Be sweet to old people… technology isn’t always their friend (or mine for that matter).


4 (10 count) cans biscuits
For caramel sauce:
1 1/2 sticks butter
1 tsp. cinnamon
¾ c. sugar

Cut each biscuit in ¼ pieces. Roll in a sugar-cinnamon mixture. Put in greased bundt pan. Caramel sauce: Mix butter, sugar and cinnamon.; heat to a slow boil. Then pour over pieces in pan. Bake at 350 for 30-35 minutes. Cool and invert.

Note: The biscuits will fill up the bundt pan. I pour some of the sauce over half of the biscuits and then put the rest of the biscuits in the pan and pour the remaining sauce on the top.

I am a huge homebody. I love to be at home, especially when it is cold outside. Trey on the other hand needs to constantly be on the go. On Saturday he told me he wanted to do something. I asked what he wanted to do. He then proceeded to tell me that I never make any plans and I should plan something to do that day. I suggested going to see Santa Clause at the Oak Court Mall in Memphis. He kind of rolled his eyes since we had already seen Santa twice. So I called my sister in law and asked them to come along for an Anthony-Lamar fun filled afternoon with Santa. We left in the pouring down ran and got to the mall later that afternoon. We thought it would be cute to put Ford and their 2 girls in the picture and give a copy to my parents. Good idea, but it didn’t exactly work out. Ford started pulling on Santa’s beard and the assistants had to go and rescue Santa. Molly Cate and Caroline did not want to sit with such a fat and strange man so in an effort to get a picture with Santa we ALL got in the picture.
This is how you get a double stroller down an escalator…
Caroline wanted to wear my earrings...


heatherstockett said...

The pic of yall with Santa is precious! I'm sure your parents with love it. I can't believe that lady was so rude to the sweet little old lady! I think I probably would have said something-don't know if I could keep quiet like you ;) Ford is getting so big and handsome!

Amanda said...

Hahaha...Loved the santa story! I totally get the double stroller up the escalator trick, been there.

Ashley said...

ha!! LOVE IT!:)

Oh y'all know me.... I LOVE a tradition and Christmas pajamas are one of them! Bit Annie Ford Annie's note to Santa  The run through...