Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Rice Cereal

So, on my last blog entry I said that I had not cheated and given Ford any rice cereal. That was then… this is now. HE LOVED the rice cereal. Technically I wasn’t “supposed” to give him any cereal until his 16 week check up. He is 14 weeks and 5 days…close enough!! I just got this wild hair that it might be time to venture past the milk and explore bigger and better things.

I called Trey at work and told him he would need to come home and video this historic time in his son’s life. Being that I am rather impatient and Trey works 200 yards from our house, I called him back after 15 minutes and threatened to start without him. At first Ford slopped some up and it slowly came back out of his mouth. Since he is a smart boy and a fast learner he realized this new stuff could have some possibilities and opened up like a baby bird!!

As you can tell from the picture we only had a diaper and a bib on. That is how we will eat from here on out. It was up his nose, in his lap, all over his hands and arms, and even on me. I think he got some in his mouth. We bathed immediately after the feast and had some play time. Then had some milk and off to bed. Its 7:45 and he is snoozing…hopefully until LATE tomorrow morning. I am not going to get my hopes up because he is a Lamar boy and they like to eat.


Janice said...

Yay! Ford :) Isn't that so fun to watch them eat for the first time? The messes do get a little better if mommy feeds them, but when daddy gets involved. You will have to change his clothes :)

Wendy said...

You are so brave!! Hasn't even occured to me!

The Gilreath's said...

Looks like he loved it Jill! i have been giving Mack the rice cereal in his last bottle of the night for several weeks and he is now sleeping through the night. I have not tried the spoon yet, I need to get up the courage and go for it like you!

Ginger, David, Adeline & Seth said...

Seeing that carseat in the background makes me remember the days when the infant carrier was such a fixture that it had its own spot in the living room. Sigh, these days go by so fast, enjoy him!


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