Thursday, August 27, 2009


I am always blogging about the baby or other things going on in our lives. Today we will talk about germs. Yes, germs. People who know me pretty well know that I can be OCD about certain things. Hand washing is one of them along with my chap stick obsession and planning ahead . I wash my hands so often that they crack from the dryness. As soon as I come in the door from anywhere :Wal-Mart, church, Trey’s office, or even my mail box I was my hands. It’s annoying to me that I am so hung up on germs that I can’t think straight until they are clean. Trey gets beyond annoyed when I am preaching to him to wash his hands before he touches Ford. I remind him of the “swine flu” going around. Ohhhhhh and I had this hang up on germs before this swine flu even came around and now I am even worse.

I don’t watch a lot of TV but occasionally I will turn Oprah on and I do watch the 5:00 news. The last several days they have been talking about germs and hand washing on there. I thought for the love of Pete my OCD problem is coming straight out of the TV now. Something came up about taking your shoes off when you walk in the door otherwise you are just tracking disease all over your house. So all day today I have been walking around my house barefoot thinking of all the times I walk around in my house with shoes on, and where my shoes have been. Now I feel like I need to wash my feet!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhh I think I need help. Obviously I don’t have enough to do since I can spend so much time concentrating on germs. Needless to say I have had the Clorox wipes out today and the washing machine hasn’t stopped going!!! One of the things being washed is Delta's bed. I am attching a few pictures of my neglected dog. She takes the back seat to Ford. Pray for me people. I need to be more relaxed.

Her sweater

Our old house in Jackson


Delta the day after we got her 4 years ago


heatherstockett said...

Your pup is so cute!

Janice said...

Sounds like you need to go on that show obsessed on A&E. Haha! Maybe once Ford gets a little older and mobile, you can let go a little. You won't have time to be thinking of all those germs.

Katie said...

Poooor Poooor Delta. And she is the most perfect dog in the world... you better not ignore the Stepford Dog! And U need to take a chill pill about the germs... or Ford is going to have to be that kid with the plastic bubble =) PS- when are u coming to see me

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...