Wednesday, May 27, 2009


It’s official…I am going to be a stay at home mom this next school year. I have officially resigned from teaching for now. I DO plan to go back into the classroom again, just not exactly sure when.
I bet I have been asked that question 1,000 times in the last few months. And to be honest, Trey and I weren’t for sure what our plans would be until a few days ago. It’s sort of weird thinking that I won’t go back to work in August. I wonder what I will do with myself??? Then I remember that Ford demands a lot of my time here lately.


Motherhood is still wonderful. I have learned a lot about taking care of little ones lately.

For instance… not all diapers are created equal. We have tried several brands until we realized that LUVS don’t leak. It’s a good thing too, because they are cheaper than some of the other brands.

I now understand that there are certain things I cannot eat because it hurts Ford’s stomach. Thus far I am steering clear of tomatoes, strawberries, and KFC. It occurred to me after lots of screaming that his little tummy can’t handle greasy or acidic foods. I told Trey that I would eat dirt if it meant that he would stop crying. Don’t get me wrong, he is a good baby, but if his tummy is hurting watch out!!!

I really appreciate all the help I have gotten from family and friends lately. It’s hard for me to get all my errands done with a newborn baby. You can’t take them out in public until they have had all of their shots, and I can’t stay at home for 6 weeks straight. I don’t see how people do it without people nearby to help. So, if you have contributed in babysitting, calling to check on us, bringing us food, or praying for our survival we truly appreciate it!!!!


Janice said...

I'm so jealous that you are getting to stay home! That's awesome :) You will enjoy it.

Felicia said...

I am so excited for you guys. Congrats! I am also super excited I found your blog. Leslie and I will plan a trip soon.

Oh y'all know me.... I LOVE a tradition and Christmas pajamas are one of them! Bit Annie Ford Annie's note to Santa  The run through...