Monday, June 1, 2009

A New Era Begins...

It finally happened…. I got a new cell phone. I have had the same style cell phone since I was in college. It was just a good phone that did exactly what I needed to do… talk and text. Well, recently it fell on the floor and cracked so I super glued it together, which worked nicely. Then it fell again and I taped it up. I decided enough was enough so I gave in and got a new phone. To some who know me this may be a shock, but it’s not a nice phone, just basic. It doesn’t send pictures, or have the internet. It just does what I need it to do…talk and text. I think it’s a cute little phone.


I was worried that Ford may have colic and my pediatrician said that he might. You don’t tell someone you think their child has colic if you don’t know for sure. That is like a death sentence on a parent. Needless to say, he doesn’t have colic, but can have a temper and stomach problems. My mother in law bought me a good book which I have read from cover to cover…. “The Happiest Baby on the Block.” It discusses issues for calming fussy babies. Last night I came across this quote from the book which I thought was hilarious and right on the money. “Having a baby is like going to sleep in your own bed and waking up in Zimbabwe!” I LOVE IT!!!


Janice said...

The doctor probably told you he "might" have colic because there is no true definition. It really is just a name they put on kids that are just fussy for no apparent reason. Ryleigh had some colicky moments :) I totally understand!

Katie said...

Oh my gosh he is a mini me Trey! He looks big enough... will yall come see me now? =) Won't be long.

Ashley said...

Love the new phone!
I can't wait for Ford's first visit to our house tomorrow!!!

The Gilreath's said...

I just found your blog, love it! Ford is so, so cute. My baby Mack also has those crying sreaming fussy times, usually from about 6-8pm. It is killer! I have also read happiest baby and try to put it to work. I know you are so glad to be a stay at home mom, I too am staying at home. Wish we lived close and could have play dates:)
Kate Loftin Gilreath

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...