Saturday, December 10, 2022

The Mountains

Trey loves the mountains.  I am more of a beach girl, but the kids love to go.  I told Trey we could only miss 2 days of school for this adventure.  So what does he do....he schedules for us to leave after school on a Wednesday and drive the entire way.  We were exhausted by the time we arrived at 11:30.

This sign was a beautiful sight after a long ride.
We were all whipped, but as soon as we arrived at the new pad everyone was pumped and exploring.  The kids were excited about the movie room.

Morning view

Day 1.   Cold.   Very touristy

I had to document that he was on his phone A LOT.

Long bridge

See us up in the corner?


Now this was neat.   We had 3 private guides for a mile and a half zip line.

I had never done this before.  I was very nervous to take off the first time.

I forgot my bathing suit.  Oops

We brought Spoons and Play Nine

Day 2

Being touristy while waiting on Dollywood to open.

Nauseous and cold


Prizes we "won" playing overpriced games.

To be continued....

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...