Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Candy Night

Gracious... help me!  I can't keep up with my blog posts, but I refuse to give up.  Better late than never!

Halloween has come and gone.  Annie wanted to be Elsa from Frozen.  Well, good ole Amazon canceled her order and the dress never came.  We settled on an angel.  Thank goodness she got this for Christmas last year and it still fits.

Poor middle child....he didn't ask for a costume and I didn't order him one!!!!!!!  Oh poor kid!  He had a meltdown before trick or treating because he had nothing to wear.  Nothing like a football player for the save.

Ford was too cool to dress up for the city trunk or treat.

Annie and Scottland

Annie and Sydney

Faye and I dressed up for church.  I love a good outfit!

Annie's class

The annual Lamar pumpkin carving the night before Halloween...

Annie's class

The legit Halloween night....

Ford and his friends decided to be aliens.... I am not so sure about this outfit!

A visit to see Bobba

Then Puh and Pops

Hayden, Caroline, and Ella Grace.... (my students from last year)

Lucy, our babysitter

Election night as the kiddos color in their maps counting electoral votes

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...