Sunday, November 1, 2020

Last trip to Cedar

Traditions are the best.  Every year we make a pumpkin cake and every year it looks horrific!!!!
I think a foot went in it!

Ford woke up with some kind of funky eye one day.  I think it was a swollen oil gland.

Annie thought you spelled his name "Fod".

Y'all..... he's so big and handsome!

The face of a mom who was cold and wet at a football game.

Annie wanted to be Elsa for Halloween so we bought these boots at Wal-Mart.  Too bad Amazon canceled her costume!

He hates pictures.  This is what I get.
So thankful for these notes from Ford.  Otherwise I would pack his lunchbox wrong!

Last week marked the final Cedar Hill Farm field trip.  2011-2020, 3 kids, and 12 field trips later they are over.  I am sad.

Edyn and Annie

Sydney, Kate, Annie, Dove, and Charlotte

Annie and Luke

Mrs. Allison's 5K

Annie and Maggie

She's so happy and loves life more than anyone I know.

She beats to the tune of her own drum.

Good times were had by all!!!!!!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...