Monday, June 22, 2020

He got his drive-by

Ford had a drive-by birthday honkfest for his birthday back in May, and Bitty decided he also needed one.  He asked and asked if he was getting a drive-by.  I never would say yes or no.  But at 6:00 the drive-by started with a firetruck!!!!

Bitty adores Mr. Garth

Pops got stuck in the traffic of the drive-by so he joined the fun.

Bobba watched from the front yard....

The boys enjoyed MHS football camp last week.  I think it was super hot.

One morning Ford woke up with a funky swollen face....

Annie needed to look pretty for camp...

Annie and Dove squirted each other with a spray bottle at the pool for a while...

Ford played in the Super NIT in Southaven this weekend.  He even got to pitch a little.

For Mother's Day Trey gave me a man's bathroom bag.....

For Father's Day I gave him a women's bathroom bag.

Yalobusha Giants and their dads on Father's Day...

Bitty and Pops arm wrestling...

Today we canvassed the neighborhoods handing out flyers for outside VBS.... The crew was pooped after almost 3 hours.

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...