Thursday, February 13, 2020

These boots were made for walking

I don't recall being 4.  I have heard I was quite spunky, prissy, and full of life.  I can only imagine I might have been somewhat like my Annie!!!  She is full of herself and likes fashion.  The other day we were at Wal-Mart and she had to have these loud/wild looking/clear high tops.  She has been sporting these bad boys to school.

I teach fourth grade reading and spelling.  I love my job and the freedom I have to teach.  This month each student drew the name of a president and had to write a report on him.   Ford had Ulysses S. Grant.

National Read Aloud Day was last week and I asked Puddin to come read to the fourth graders.

I think this pleased Ford.

Early morning snuggles from "the Bit"

In November 2017 Bitty began wearing glasses.  By March 2018 his eyes weren't improving with glasses so we were sent to a specialist.  He has had to patch his good eye for the last 23 months.  Year 1 was patching 2 hours a day.  Year 2 was patching 1 hour a day.  We did this religiously.  We didn't skip days.  We didn't cheat.  We patched like it was our job.  Last week at our check-up it paid off!!!!!  NO MORE PATCHING!  Toodles lazy eye.  We beat you!

Last Friday Trey and the boys stayed at the farm with Jason and John White to go duck hunting.

Sister and I stayed home to do girl things.  Like go to bed early after watching lots of cartoons!

Then Monday Trey took the boys with him to Jackson so they could go to the rodeo.  They had a BIG time.

It was super easy to get ready for school with just one kid.  I even had time to turn in Bitty's recycle project.  He made a barn out of old crayons.  It only took a lot of hours and over a week!!!!!!

The boys got to stay at daddy's frat house and go to the capital.

This dog.  This dog has caused me high blood pressure.  He makes me say bad words.   He costs me a fortune in all the things he tears up and destroys.  This dog is getting a new home on Saturday and I might throw a party when he leaves.

She beats to the tune of her own drum and she doesn't care.  She has worn Bitty's boots to school the last two days.  This was not ok with him either.

Yesterday the first graders put on a play called, E-I-E-I Oops!!!!  Bit was a mule!!!

Annie was proud of her big brother!  She poses well!

Puh came!

And this morning....just because...

Maybe I'll post again in February!!!!!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...