Sunday, December 29, 2019

St. Nick stopped by

Traditions are key.  I love them.  We have many.  One is that the kids get to open one gift on Christmas Eve night.  It's never a surprise what's wrapped up....

Matching PAJAMAS!!!!!!  Oh how these make me so happy

Next we sprinkle our reindeer food....

And tear off the last Christmas chain.

I told the kids if they woke up on Christmas day they could NOT go into the living room.  Well, Ford woke up at 2:30 and by 3:40 the boys were in my room.  I growled at them.  They stomped back to bed.  I woke up at 4:45 and by 6:00 the kids were ready for the "run through".

Crashing through the wrapping paper is the best!

Santa brought Ford a gun.

Then time to open presents...

Annie painted Daddy a picture of himself...

She got make-up.

Later that morning we went to Puddin and Pops's house.  Dillie was there.

Puddin taught the kids how to gamble!

That night we went to Bobba's house for Christmas.

The next day Trey took Bitty hunting.  I think the struggle was real!

Christmas 2019 was fabulous!!!!!

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