Monday, November 18, 2019

Annie's 4 day sickness

This will be a short but sweet post.

Last week my class talked about poetry a little bit.  One day they shared a poem and one day we wrote an acrostic poem.  I told the children to spell the best that they could


Of course, Ford didn't spell exactly that way!
Sunday at church the 4th-6th graders sang with the adult choir on Sunday morning.   Ford was standing in an area that I couldn't see him for a podium.  Halfway through the last song, the man on the row across from me looks at me and said, "Ford fell out!"  I knew he had fainted like he did last year.  I immediately jumped up and ran down the aisle like an Olympic sprinter.  He was limp and dead weight.  After carrying him out of the sanctuary, checking his heart and sugar, he was ok.   Nothing like scaring me to death to add some excitement to the service!

Doing homework with a strong-willed 4 year old isn't too much fun.  She is left handed and stubborn.
That look...
 I'm unsure of when the boys took this selfie!
 Friday afternoon Annie came to my room acting quiet, needy and clingy.  By 5:00 she had 101.4 fever.  From 6:00-8:30 she threw up three times.  She ran fever on Saturday and Sunday.
I rolled my Christmas tree out of the closet and decorated that bad boy.
 The Bit, as he likes to be called, read his first chapter book all by himself.  I was soooooooo proud!!!!
 Despite the stomach bug, she still helped to decorate the tree.
 Sunday we went to the doctor.  Red throat and ears with fluid bubbles.  Sunday night she went to bed with 102.9 fever.
 Monday she woke up with 102.0.  I asked Dad and Patty to take her to the pediatrician instead.  She was on the mend so they bought her a shopping cart!
 I think some BoomPa snuggles helped. 
 I liked getting these pictures from school!

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