Tuesday, June 18, 2019

VBS and hitting #7

  Oh how we love summertime.  There are always loads of exciting activities going on.  Trey got to take a day trip to watch the Rebels play in Arkansas.  I do love that he was caught putting chap-stick on while the TV filmed him!
 Our church had VBS last week.  There's a theme each day.  Monday was tacky tourist day.  I decided to throw on a wig for giggles.  I wish I had a dollar for everyone who actually thought I cut my hair!!!!!
 Oliver and Annie....ohhh they love each other!
 Some of my former and soon to be students.
 Bitty has a friend named Oliver, too who joined us for VBS.
 The Bit turned SEVEN on June 13.  He also grew a narly wart on his knee which I insisted we get cut off.
 The before....
 Camo day at VBS

 I got to play Pharaoh.... Nooooooo I won't let your people go!!!!!
 That ring with little diamonds I bought in NC, well, they started falling out.  I have sent it back.  I'm so sad.
 Annie hitched many a rides at VBS.
 On Wednesday Bit got to pick a few friends to go jump at WhipperSnaps and eat at Rio Lindo.  He was so excited to get a pie in the face!
 The last day of being six...
 Birthday presents consisted of a blue beaded pillow, camo sleeping bag, a controller for the Nintendo Switch and a silver chain.
 Before haircuts...
 After....apparently it's a Fade...whatever that is.
 Red, White and Blue day....
 And we were twins....
 More ride hitching
 On Friday Bitty was playing soccer and head butted a 16 year old.  So this happened....
He didn't cry!
 The last hour of VBS consisted of cleaning up....
 Our third graders...
 Our fourth graders
 9:30 AM vs. 1:30 PM
 Being the awesome parents we are, we let him play in his baseball games on Friday- Sunday even after he whacked his head.  We later decided he might have had a concussion! 
 All Stars....he's the picther
 Ford created himself a nice look....
 Be still my heart
 This was pretty
 After baseball and swimming at the cousins' house, you get tired.
 I believe I have mentioned before that I am obsessed with spraying for bugs and bug traps.  I hate bugs.  Now since we have Otis, I can't use my sticky traps because he destroys them, shocker...I know.  Otis is currently at dog school so I have put a few back out.  I caught a lizard.  The next day I caught a snake.  I squealed in a weird-horrified voice for Trey to COME QUICK!!!!!

Pigs do fly and hell is freezing over because I am considering a cat now.  I hate cats, but I hate snakes more!
 He played ALL weekend.  Their team came in third.
 The kids filled out info for their Daddy on Father's Day...
 Annie pulled her pants up high and said she looked like Gran!!!!!!
 The cousins gave Bitty a hammock for his Big Day!
I asked John Brantley some questions as I do every year......
What is your favorite food?   chicken from Red Lobster
What is your least favorite food?  Ravioli
What are your favorite things to learn about?   sports
What’s your favorite color?   red and green
What’s your favorite number?  15
What are your favorite games to play?  baseball
When you have free time what do you like to do?  Watch TV
What is your favorite book?  The Big Red Barn
What is your favorite TV show?  Wild Kratts
What is your favorite holiday?   Christmas
What are some things you do well?  baseball
Where are your favorite places to go?   To the beach
What do you like to do with your family?   Have movie night
What’s your favorite thing about home?   Giving momma hugs
What’s your favorite thing to do outside?   Play with Ford
What’s your favorite chore?   vacuuming
What’s your least favorite chore?   Cleaning baseboards
What is your favorite song?   A song about Moses
What do you want to be when you grow up?   A cowboy
Where is somewhere you’d like to visit?   Disney World
What was your favorite thing about being six?   Giving you hugs
What was something sad that happened when you were six?   Kylen dying
What do you like to do when you get up in the morning?  Come and give you hugs
What is your favorite part of each day?   lunch
What’s your favorite drink?    Fanta
Where do you want to go to college?   Ole Miss
Who do you want to marry when you grow up?   I don’t know
Where do you want to live when you grow up?   Next door to momma
What is something new you want to learn this year?   To read better

Clothes size: shirts Anywhere from a 4-6 , shorts 4-5, shoe size 11-12
Height:  45.5 inches

Weight:  42.6 pounds

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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