Monday, February 25, 2019

Not too girly girl

 Life has slowed down for one week and one week only.  We have concluded basketball season for my boys.  Ford finished his first year of city league ball.  I think he learned a lot, and he continues to love the sport.
 Sister wanted to wear my flower girl dress from 1986 or 1987...regardless, she's cute!
 Doing some projects for school....
 He thought it was funny to pretend to drink a Red Bull.  Can you imagine the energy he'd have????
 Last Tuesday night was rough.  I, like an old person, woke up twice to go to the bathroom.  It was Bitty's night to sleep with me, and since he was recovering from the flu and strep, he coughed in my ear ALL night long.  Annie came in twice for me to lay down with her and by 3:00 Ford came in to say his throat hurt.  I think I growled at him to GO TO BED!!!!  We were all up before 5:00.  Ford had fever and we headed to the doctor.  No strep, but we both missed a day of school for a mystery fever.
 That night they were out cold before 6:30....all of them!
 Friday Annie got to bring the "Share Bucket" to school.  The share bucket includes your favorite toy, book, snack, and pictures of your family. 
 The Bubbas were excited that it was her last day to be THREE!!!!
 She got to celebrate her birthday at school.
 Mrs. Kristy and Mrs. Laura are her favorites!
 She wanted to bring purple plates and napkins, Doritos, cookies and sugary juice drinks.
 I even snuck away for a hot minute to celebrate.
 The shirt.... The Paw Patrol shirt that this child has had since 2015 STILL fits!!!!!!!
 Saturday was Annie's birthday!  Ewwwwww weeeeeeee it's hard to wait to open presents.  BoomPa said she could open his.  She got footed pajamas and food for her kitchen (per her request) and a Barbie medical van.
 Then she wanted to open her gifts from us, but Daddy wouldn't come home from work.
 This attire is very UNLIKE my Annie.  She's girly, but not too girly girl.  She's much rougher and tougher than most girls her age.
 That night we had her family party.  Naturally, the cousins wrapped up "The Chinaman" as a gift for her.  This statue (this is actually the third one) has been passed back and forth for almost 20 years now!
BoomPa and Pops
Puddin too
Uncle Ken and Aunt Ashley
 Uncle Vance
 The birthday queen herself
 She wanted a chocolate cake with unicorn stuff.
 Annie and Bobba
 We missed Mrs. Patty, Aunt Emily, and Molly Cate at the party.

Sunday started a new day and new arguments, which lead to hand holding and thinking about how to treat others.
 The boys and cousins made a vending machine.  Annie likes to play inside.
 Trey took the boys squirrel hunting on Sunday.
More posts to come this week....

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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