Sunday, October 14, 2018

Soccer and the Pumpkin Patch

The 3k-5k at our school are always doing fun things.  This past week the firemen visited.  I got these pictures of my littles!!!!
 My Bit....if he gets an injury it's almost always on the head!!!!!  The gravel on the playground won.
 Both of the boys are playing soccer.  This is totally fine with Annie because she can flirt with Oliver (Ahhhver)!!!!!
 Bitty's squad....they never won a game, but they had fun.  See the smallest kid, that's Bit!!!!!!!
 He was a mighty fine goalie too!!!!!
Friday was field trip day for my littles.  We went to Cedar Hill Farm.  I believe this was my 9th time to go!
 Annie and Emery
 Feeding the cows....
 I guess it tickled!!!!
 Annie and Anne Walker
 She loved riding the horse.
 John Brantley waiting to ride...
 Pulling the ladies...
 Maggie, Annie, and Dove
 Bitty, a boy I don't know, and Rials
 Annie had to try out all the animal photo props...
 Bitty's class.... (Bit is standing on the pumpkins to the left).
 I made Fancy come!!!!
 Why can't they both cooperate??????
 Elizabeth, a girl I don't know, and Bitty
3K- both classes...
 Image may contain: 15 people, people smiling, people standing and outdoor
It was a good day!!!!!!!!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...