Saturday, October 27, 2018

Puh to the rescue

You know the one we call Puddin, Puh, Mrs. Ann,....all those names???  Well, this week I have really worn her out with lots of help.  I had to call on her bunches of times.  Monday she got to take Bitty to the dentist!
 Do all patients do this in the examination chair?????
One day they won't be this small....
 The added on to the school and Bitty's friends got a new classroom.  They had to help move...
 They still pile in there like sardines every night.
 Baseball is over.  Soccer is over.
 Ford's team won first place!
 Last week was western day and hat day in 3K.
 We went to see the Rebels play last weekend.  Sister didn't get a bid.
 I think he might look a little like his momma!
 Stingray and Fancy
 Bitty and Taz
 This child....
 Last Sunday I asked Annie what she learned at church.  She said, "I learned about Moseph (Joseph).  His friends threw him in a hole and a bear ate him."
 Ford had to make a character out of a pumpkin.  He made Jack from The Magic Treehouse.
 Bitty was Star Student last week....
 Everyday he had to bring a book and a show and tell.  On this day he brought his art portfolio.
 You can also see his autograph book from Disney World, the cross the church gave him when he was baptized, a rock from Eminence, MO, when we went canoeing, and a deer horn.
 Yesterday's spirit day was, wear your Halloween costume.  The littles didn't get to dress up since they will on Wednesday.  This kind of made them mad!
 My class
Douglas and Annie!
The school pictures...

Ford - third grade
Annie- 3K
John Brantley- 5K

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...