Sunday, August 26, 2018

If I had a dollar....

We've all heard the phrase, "If I had a dollar....".  Well, If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me how going back to work was, or how my new job was, etc.... I'd be RICH!  Let me tell you how my new job is.  Despite the fact that my feet and legs sort of ache at the end of the day from standing, I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!  I get to take my children to school, I can see them if I want to, and I take them home.  We go to work and school together.  Since I teach third grade and Ford is in third grade, I see him A LOT.  The littles, not quite as much.  But I have seen them at the pep rallies, and I made a special trip to the cafeteria to see them eating one day.  It's just ideal, y'all.  

My class is small, only 17 students, and they're good kids.  They get a bit chatty, but other than that we are rocking and rolling right along.  I am slowly introducing them to my funny/weird side and they seem to like it.  Sometimes they stare at me strangely, but that's ok.  I have told people that I am competing with Ipads, Iphones, and Video Games... if I'm not exciting then they don't care what I've got to say.  So, to answer that famous question... "How do you like your job?"  I love it!!!!!

Sister came to show me that she put on her play make-up all by herself!
 On Mondays we bring Emery home with us.  I don't think she's used to the level of loudness that comes with riding in my car!
 At 3.5 years of age I decided to give Annie her first haircut...
 Much better.....And I did it myself!
 I saved it for her baby book.
 Fancy drives a truck.  I drive a suburban.  But for some reason Trey wanted to take my car to Tupelo this's not like either one of them get good gas mileage.  I didn't want him to take my car because I'm not into driving his truck.  Well, he won that disagreement and took my car.  Not an hour later I get a text with my windshield smashed to death by a buzzard!!!!
 I have dry cracky feet.  This has been an ongoing problem for years.  I put lotion on them, but it doesn't help.  Sometimes the cracks are so deep they bleed.  It can be painful to wear shoes.  Well, I posted on facebook about my issue and got over 100 comments. 
 I decided to coat my feet in Vaseline and sleep in socks.  It was sort of like torture because I NEVER sleep in socks.  I'd say they are slowly getting better, but this could be a long road.
Bitty and Annie are both in another building at school.  Someone took this picture for me....!!!!!!!!
 While Trey was away last week the kids all fought over who could sleep with me.  Ford got the first night!!  He might be 9, but he is still a momma's boy!
 This sassy little one turned 3.5 on the 23rd.  I think she's really going on 15!
 True personality....
 The parents in my classroom are great.  I mean parent involvement like you've never seen!!!!  Our summer reading book was, The Chocolate Touch.  One mom sent each child their own chocolate bar.  They loved it!!!!
 Pep Rally....she wants to be on the gym floor with the cheerleaders so badly.
 Ford got to be part of the pep rally by helping spell out Chiefs.
 Annie's class...
 Annie's sweet teachers.  This is round 4 with Mrs. Kristy and Mrs. Laura... (2 rounds with Bitty).
 Somehow Otis destroyed an entire roll of paper towels.  I made the kids pick them up!!!
 He's so handsome.  He really is.  I know he's mine, but this is a precious kid!  He has a big heart, he still seems somewhat innocent,  he loves the Lord and his family, and he's so tender hearted. 
 Puddin and Pops came to Ford's game on Saturday and took the littles home after game 2.  They stopped by Buffalo Wild Wings first.... This pleased my wing loving Bitty!
 Annie is supposed to practice drawing faces.  I copied this from a coloring book.  Ford colored the hat, but Annie did the rest!
 This wild one is growing.  I noticed he looks taller.  I don't like that!  He will forever be my Bitty and for that matter, everyone else's too since people don't call him John Brantley!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...