Sunday, May 13, 2018

God Picks the Best Moms

  I still remember the first day that all three of my children were in school back in August.  I had plans to clean out every inch of the house, purge, get organized, finish my teaching license certification (I still have 2 years!!!), and lots of other good things.  And now here we are in MAY and I am out of alone time.  Sister is D-O-N-E with 2K.  Bam... like that a school year is over and my girl is bigger, smarter, sassier, and all around more wonderful.  Ohhhh how she's grown!
Friday Ford had "Activities Awards Day" where he received the fastest boy runner in his class, the best long jumper in his class,  St. Jude Mathathon Participant, and my favorite, The AR Award.  Now let's talk about the AR Award.  Everyone starts out with 0 points.  You read books, take comprehensive tests, and earn points based on how well you did.  Well, Ford won FIRST place in his class for the second year in a row.  He read over 330 books, scored 151.5 points and I'm the most proud that he went from a 2.3 to a 4.8 reading level.  Now this reading trophy he received I feel like should partly belong to me since I took advantage of the library multiple times a week.
 Puddin came too but I think she didn't realize we were walking to his class.
 Friday afternoon the littles asked to get the swimming pool out.
 My $5.00 Wal-Mart find! 
 Saturday we went to Richland, MS, to watch Ford play in a tournament.  Round trip we were gone 12 hours.  It can be hard on everyone!
 Second baseman
Bitty has 2 more weeks of his baseball season.  
Her first time fishing...
This morning I wanted to take some pictures with the kids before church...
 But Bitty fell backwards into the glass table and hit his head.
 I think this would be an example of "The Ugly Cry".
 The reason I get to celebrate...
It was red, white, and blue day!
 So today is "Mother's Day".  The day we celebrate all moms, young and old.  I no longer have my mother here with me on Earth.  I didn't cry today.  It seems like the "special" days are always so busy that I don't really stop and think to miss her more than any other day.  The truth is, I didn't miss her more today than I did yesterday or than I will tomorrow.  I miss my mom everyday.  It's the little things that I miss.  I miss calling her on the phone 3-4 times a day.  I miss her taking me shopping.  She always knew where a good deal was or had me a coupon ready.  I miss asking for advice, telling her about my day, and hearing her voice which always made me feel better regardless of the situation.  I miss the way her hands were always cold, soft, and smelled like her Ponds lotion.  I think I will buy me some of that since smells make me feel the closest to her.  I miss how she smelled so clean at night after her showers when I hug her goodnight as a child.  I am sad she isn't here to watch these babies grow up, learn new things, accomplish goals, and just live life.  I am sad that when I need to ask something only she would know the answer to that I can't call her.  It hurts to know that I don't have a place to go that reminds me of my mom.  Then again there's comfort in knowing my dad sold his house because the house and all the stuff reminded me of her.  It's tough to see other people have moms and me not have mine.  I see people with their mothers all the time and long for my mom.  It's hard for me to remember her before the cancer.  It seems like that was such a huge part of the last 2.5 years I had with her.

When I really miss her I get on my computer and listen to a voicemail she left me about 5 weeks before she died.  I show the kids the video I took her of when I told her and BoomPa we were pregnant with Annie.  It's so comforting to hear her voice and fell the love coming from it.  My mom always had a sweet and loving spirit about her.  Her smiled just made you feel good inside.  It was like you knew everything would be okay.  I guess that's just the way moms are.  God picks the best mom for each person, and boy did I hit the jackpot.  You know not having a mom anymore makes me love my children harder.  I sometimes wear myself out pouring into them because I never want them to doubt for one second that I didn't love them, adore them, and want the absolute best for them.  I don't know how long I have here on Earth, so while I'm here I will try to cherish every moment I have being a mom, and hope I can leave a lasting legacy like my mother did.

If you still have your mom, do me a favor; call her and tell her you love her.  I'd do anything to talk to my mom just one more time!  Happy Mother's Day!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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