Monday, February 12, 2018

Lamar Happenings Lately

I'm alive.  I'm alive.  I'M ALIVE!!!!!!  Blogging seems to be so difficult for me lately.  I need a few more hours in the day to get everything done...getting up before 5:00 AM isn't an option though!  

So, a few days later than previously scheduled, the kiddos got to have their 100th day of school.  The lovely inclement weather put them back a bit.  John Brantley's class doesn't dress up like old folks, rather they wear a cape with 100 items on it.  The first attempt I tried was stickers, but they fell off.  So round two was google eyes.  I think it was just right.
 Last weekend Dad, Patty, and the cousins had a slumber party at our house.  After showers they watched Home Alone 3 and laughed the entire time.  Ford has seen it enough to give you spoilers when a funny part is about to happen.
Caroline (9), Annie (2...almost 3), Ford (8), Jack (7), Bitty (5), and Molly Cate (11)
 Saturday we went to the farm to gator ride and shoot at random armadillos. 
 How Annie can be found watching TV.
 So Dad has decided to sell his house and move to Laurel with Patty.  I guess the 288 mile difference in their houses, the going back and forth, and cleaning of two locations isn't fun he's moving.  With that being said, I have been getting treasures out of his attic.  Annie is super pleased to have a box of old, dry rotted Barbies, to play with.
 This strict momma is PROUD of her math whiz.  Unlike his mother, he loves math, understands math, and excels in math.  He was the first one in his class to orally say all of his multiplication families (0-12) to his teacher.  Therefore, he will get 3 scoops of ice cream with a cherry on top.
 Sister is still loving gymnastics  (red turtle neck).
 We celebrated BoomPa's 67th birthday last week with a family supper night at Dale's.
 The crew minus Fancy who was sad because he was in Jackson.
 Litter.  Ohhhhhhhhhh I hate litter.  Where we live is apparently an area that people like to chunk their drinks, bags, and wrappers out the window.  I get so tired of looking at it.  Last week I took 5 Wal-Mart sacks down there to clean up.  I didn't bring enough because there was still junk down there.  I wish litter bugs would always get caught and have to pay a stiff fine.
 So we model while in the tub....
 Fast forward a week since I first started this post, Trey and I went to Clarksdale to Delta Supper Club.
 Seth and Julie invited us....
 I had to take Bitty back to the eye doctor for a check up post glasses.  One eye is 20/20.  One is is 20/40.  She suggested eye therapy.  Well, I couldn't get an appointment until the end of March for this and in the mean time Bitty said, "Sometimes I see two of everything."  If that doesn't sound the alarms I don't know what will.  I know about this all too well because when I was little I saw two of everything if i focused hard enough.  I decided to patch his glasses to force him to use his weaker eye until we get to eye therapy.  We will only do this sometimes at home.  And I'm only doing this because this is what they did for me as a child.  We gotta make that weak eye stronger.
 Pops and Bit
 Upward has been a lot of fun this year.  Amazingly, we have won every game thus far.  Our team has progressed nicely and they have fun playing.
 My #13
 Birthday party post to come.....

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...