Monday, December 11, 2017

That sums up the last few days...

What do I do all day you might wonder....

 Bitty needs one-on-one time often.  Like hourly.  And that's not always possible, but when he does get it, he's happy!  Trey took him fishing in our lake the other day and they caught a prize.
 My boys go to choir every week.  Last week they had a musical called "Super Gift".  Ford was a shepard.
 Bitty is ALWAYS going to help me whether I need help or not.  I had him sealing my Christmas cards the other day!!!
 Monday night was the Christmas parade, and Ford was in it.  Our church's float won!
 Annie enjoyed the parade.
 Elfie was in the car the other day.
 I feel like a Martha Stewart wanna-be these days.  I’ve tried to spruce up the Christmas décor, do a little baking, and some crafts on the side.  Who am I kidding….it’s just not my thing.  However, I can run a vacuum cleaner like it’s nobody’s business...and I do that every day.  It’s my OCD.

The littles and I made some reindeer food for Bitty’s class party next week….
 Friday night Ford's school had a Holly Jolly Hoedown dance for mothers and sons.
 Hayes, Ty, Caden and Ford
 We had a great time despite the fact that he wouldn't dance with me and his ear was hurting.  He's got another double ear infection.
 Langston, Ford and Veazey
 Bitty was super jealous of Ford this weekend because he was getting to have all the fun, so I took Bitty to Wal-Mart with me!  (Ha!)
 Sunday at church the kids did a skit with singing.  Ford was Joseph.
 On Wednesday nights we go to church.  Once a month the first and second graders go to visit people at an assisted living home.  Each student is paired with an adult.  Ford's partner is Mrs. Doris.  She wanted us to stop by on Sunday because she had him a Christmas gift.  It was 5 river rocks with Bible verses on them.  This pleased Ford.  He gave her some fuzzy socks.
 If ONLY we were all so cool.
 The boys went hunting Sunday....
 And killed an armadillo.
That sums up the last few days....

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Oh y'all know me.... I LOVE a tradition and Christmas pajamas are one of them! Bit Annie Ford Annie's note to Santa  The run through...