Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Santa, bring fruit cakes

Tis that time of year when things speed up, the to-do lists increase, there are many errands, events, and functions to attend.  But sometimes you just have to s-t-o-p and pose with some pumpkins!
 And remember that Christmas is around the corner so you should begin decorating asap!
 So, as if we don't have enough to do, I decided to throw in another activity to our list.  Well, here's what happened.  The children all LOVE to draw, color, and create things.  I am thankful for this too.  I buy lots of paper, poster board, art supplies etc. all year long to feed their cravings.  Well, recently Ford started drawing more elaborate things and Trey suggested that he take art lessons.  I asked around and was told of a young man who might be interested.  I know him because he's a senior in high school, and I teach him Sunday school.  He agreed to work with Ford on some art lessons.  When Bitty heard of this new activity, he immediately said he wanted to take too.  So, both boys are in art lessons and they love it.

His barn...
 His turkey...
 Annie loves the manger scene.
 I've spoken of our babysitter, Anna Greer, before.  Well, she pledged Tri-Delta at Ole Miss, which is the sorority I was a member of there too.  So, this past weekend I went over for initiation.
 Mis Taylor, aka Tay-Tay, bought Annie some lip balm.  This pleased her all the way up her nose.
 Ohhh my gosh, I HATE TOYS!!!!!!  This would be my downstairs playroom.  It was a great idea, so I thought, to have a small playroom off of the living room for my kids.  I knew they wouldn't be far from my side, so a room for their junk was a brilliant idea.  It turned into a mess and the mess then spilled out onto my living room floor.  Well, yesterday I spent 4 hours cleaning that bad boy.
 I donated to the boys' school, Annie's school, a local daycare and took 6 garbage bags, plus arm loads to the dump!  Santa, bring fruit cakes.
 Right after I finished cleaning the school called to say Ford had fever.  I picked him up and we headed to the doctor.  He has an ear infection and strep.  He was pitiful all afternoon and night.  He stayed home today.
 The Bit loves math!  This was last night...
Lately I have noticed that when John Brantley looks at me his eyes turn in towards his nose when he's focusing.  Ohhhh this isn't good!  So we went to the eye doctor.
 Dude is getting glasses!
 They made us stay there almost TWO hours!
Our new Christmas tree, which will be extremely huge, came in the mail today.  While Fancy put it together Ford started reading Genesis.  It made my heart happy to hear him say he plans to read for 10-15 minutes per day!
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, sitting, table and indoor

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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