Thursday, August 10, 2017

Boston first class

Alrighty, I am back for the second night in a row blogging away since my month long vacation hiatus put a huge damper on my blogging.  We spent 12 days in Florida, came home for less than a week and went to Biloxi, were home less than 48 hours and Trey, aka The Gentleman From Tate County, and I flew to Boston.  Being myself, Jill, Type A, Planner, Worrier, Stresser, you get my drift, I was a little rattled about leaving again so soon for another trip.  Trey is the one assigned to flight bookings, and he doesn't do a good job, time wise,  Our flight left Memphis on Thursday, August 3 at 6:15 AM.  That meant that I had to get up at 3:00 AM to leave by 4:30.  In true Jill fashion, I NEVER went to sleep.  It wasn't that I didn't try, oh I tried....I just couldn't turn my brain off.  I tossed and turned and flipped and flopped and wanted to PANIC at 3:00 AM when I hadn't slept a peep.  One plus of the flight from Memphis to Detroit was I got to sit First Class since they canceled our original flight.

Cute shoes... yes, thank you.  I have them in camel too.  They're soooooooooo comfortable!!!!!
 I tried and tried and tried to sleep on that flight, but it didn't work.  No luck.   We arrived in Boston before lunch, got our bags and jetted to the hotel.
 I told Trey I had to sleep if he planned to do anything that night so off I snoozed until 5:00!!!!
 Then we hopped on a germ infested train, (for the love of Pete I was squooshed and a little nervous about the germs).
 Next Stop- Fenway Park
 Pesky's Pole.... I had to be educated on the pole.
 In the south these things are funnel cakes, but don't call them that up north or they'll look at you all kinds of funny... This my friends is a "fried dough".  Same thing.... so fattening.  (We will touch on fat later).
 Friday we got up to walk "The Freedom Trail".  I am going to be 100% honest... I don't exercise.  The Freedom Trail was 2.5 miles, but it seemed like 6.5 miles and my shins hurt the rest of the week after that day.

Boston's State the capital in Jackson.
The Freedom Trail doesn't take you inside The State House, ohhhh but Fancy needed to spend 45 minutes in there.
 A church.
 The site of the Boston Massacre
 Because he looked cool....
 And because I was acting cool...
 That night we found a cool place called Yvonne's to hang out before dinner.
 Then we ate at a Spanish tapas place called Toro.
 This would be Trey's food.
 Near our hotel....we stayed in the theater district.
 Saturday it was a bit rainy, but the nice doorman at the hotel had umbrellas handy.  Saturday was also Trey's 37th birthday so we shopped a bit.
 We contemplated these bad boys!!!!!!!
 Then we took an Uber to the Samuel Adams Brewery.
 He loves me when I act right.
 Saturday night we ate at Limoncello.... please do yourself a favor and eat there if you go to Boston!!!!  Hello delicious Italian food.
 Sunday we rented a car and drove to Hyannis, MA.  It's near Nantucket.
 Trey ate clam chowder and I ate ice cream.  I don't eat anything that swims.
 The beach basically had crushed up shells all in the sand.  It was rough on the toes.
 Sunday night we had a dinner with a room full of representatives at Legal Sea Food.  I ordered a steak cooked medium.  They charred it.  The man next to me sent it back.  They burnt the next one too.  I quit trying.  I don't recommend this joint.
Monday we toured around Boston some more and found Harvard.
 Bitty was TICKED I didn't buy him a Curious George stuffed animal.  For some reason the child is into stuffed animals right now.  I think they are dust collectors.
 Harvard's football stadium
 And I begged and begged to go to Cheers...
 Monday night we went to another Italian place and had dessert at....
This was the line
 Ohhhh so yummy....

 This right here along with ALL the food I consumed in Florida, Biloxi, and Boston added a nice 10 lbs. to my rear.  So now I'm on a diet so stay away...I am not happy.
 He's on one too.  Day one I lost 5 ounces and he lost 3 pounds.  WHYYYYYYYYYY?!!!!!!!!!
 Some reps
 And Tuesday we hopped back on the bird bright and early to fly home for Meet The Teacher....
Up next... What the kids did while we were gone....

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