Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Persistence or Annoyance

  Persistence is key.  Trey might disagree and say I’m not persistent, rather I’m annoying.  Regardless of being persistent or annoying, when I get something on my mind I like action, results, to follow through, getting the job done.  I have been bothering Trey and his parents most of the summer about getting a trip up to the lake.  Pickwick is special to me because Trey and I got engaged there, and quite frankly, a lake weekend is phenomenal. 

So after a lot of begging and pleading we finalized a time and off we went.  We didn’t arrive until after 6:00 on Friday night because trying to get Fancy away from the office is extremely difficult.  So we unloaded and went straight to eat at The Catfish Hotel.
 Late nights require sleeping in the car.
 Saturday we headed down to the lake along with "The Tube".
 Bitty wasn't so much into cruising the lake.  He wanted to swim or ride the tube.
 We visited Goat Island.

 Tubing while holding one child and the others with your legs can prove to be difficult.  No one fell off.
 I think Pops liked the tube... don't you!!!
 Ford thought he needed to ride every time.
 After this ride Ford got off and I hopped on.  Pops threw us off.
 She fell asleep.
 Knee boarding takes skill and I ain't got it.
 Sometimes you need to stop and dance.
 May we all have a nice 6 pack like that!
 Pickwick was fun and I'm glad my annoyance paid off!!!!!!!!

On Mondays and Wednesdays it's just me and Sister here in the mornings.  We do lots of snuggling.
 As if Trey doesn't already have enough to do, he's coaching 5th-6th grade pee wee football.  Thursday night Bitty and Ford went to the game.  Someone snapped this picture of the water boy on the sidelines!
 He's still working hard on his artwork which he plans to sell soon.
 Dangerous with her behind the wheel...
How some afternoons go.....
 And the fight to stay awake is rough!

Friday, August 25, 2017

I do have another child

  Sister is 2.5 years old, 30 months, and 912 days.  She's really transitioning from a baby into a little girl.  She is talking a lot, is as prissy as the day is long, is demanding and bossy, loving and cuddly, loud and independent, and all around in charge.... and she knows it.
Weight- 30 pounds
Height- around 30 inches
Shoe size- 7
Clothes size- 2t-3t
Diapers- 4
She loves make-up and jewelry, animals, swimming, swinging, riding the golf cart, ice cream, candy, drinking water, junk food, pizza, chicken, dogs, going places, being held, Mickey Mouse, school, baths, etc.
Bitty has found the entrepreneur inside of himself.  Last weekend we were at the swimming pool and someone's dad brought a watermelon to share with everyone.  The man said he grew them in his yard.  Well, apparently this got Bitty's wheels spinning and he decided he too wants to grow watermelons and cantaloupes.  We have washed and frozen our seeds until spring and he's also working on another money making project, coloring pictures.  He's decided he can sell his watermelons and cantaloupes at the road and display his art at the same time.  I'm afraid he's not going to get $50.00 a picture like he hopes....maybe $0.50!!!!
I asked Chantay Rhone, owner of Cotton Treasures if we could do a Christmas tree skirt class again.  Last night was class #2 and he's 1/4 of the top of my skirt!
Yes, I have another child and his name is Ford.  He's never around for pictures but I plan to include him in the next blog!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Is it enough?

  Last week my babysitter, Anna Greer, left for college.  She's been keeping my children since before there even was an Annie.  Her leaving and entering that next chapter in her life has really gotten me thinking.... Is it enough?  Is what I do everyday enough with my children?  Do I give them enough hugs and reassurance that I will love and protect them all of my days?  Have we put the love of Jesus in their hearts where they will long to follow Him forever?  Do they understand how important being nice is, good manners, the simple words "please and thank you"?  Will they remember to wash their hands when they come in the house to get the nasty germs off and leave their shoes in the mud room?  Do they know we must bathe every night and go to bed early so we will feel good?  Are they team players, sweet friends, good sports, good listeners, fair and honest?  What if I died tomorrow and there was no more momma... have I done enough?  When Ford leaves the nest in 10.5 years will he be prepared for the cruel world?  Do I read to them enough and challenge them with their schoolwork?

As you can see the "Is it enough" factor has been on my mind hard lately.  Maybe getting up at 5:00 AM isn't early enough!

The other day when we got home a hummingbird was stuck in the garage light.  Ford and I both acted sissy about getting it out.  I was thinking it would attack my head.  Finally I told him God gave me boys to be brave and he needed to get it out!
Four wheeler
This would be about 6:45 one night before bedtime.
Last week the babies slept together for 4 nights until Ford decided he missed his bed.
I found this pool at the end of season clearance at Wal-Mart....$5.00!
Bitty was mad I got pink.  It didn't stop the nude fest from happening though.
When you don't need your picture taken.
The boys stayed with my dad last Friday night.  When I went to get them on Saturday I swiped a bag of my old dance clothes for Sister to play dress up with.
Some cute things she says....

"No pank me momma!"   (No spank me momma).

Chapets (chapstick)

Everyone is a ma'am....women, kids, and men

No butts...she actually doesn't say this anymore but, No Butts meant "not much".
Saturday Ford was jumping on the couch.  I got on to him and told him we don't jump on the furniture.  Naturally, Annie followed his lead and landed herself a bloody nose.
Those teeth will definitely need braces!
Yesterday on the way home from Wal-Mart we grabbed Emery for a quick play date!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...