Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Friends are good for the soul

I’ve never been diagnosed, but since I think I know best, I am self-diagnosing myself with OCD.  I know, complete and total shocker to anyone who knows me!  Ha!!!!!  But the fact that I’m working on a blog post with pictures from May and it’s June 14th sends me into serious OCD panic mode!  Okay, that’s out of the way….

Bitty Bear, as I refer to him quite often these days, played his very first year of tee-ball and owned it like a BOSS!!!!!!!  That child far exceeded my expectations and rose to the top.  He hustled and played hard every week.  We finished the season with our first ever trophy!!!!
 He's quite pleased with the trophy and his team photo!
 We live oh so close to the country club swimming pool, however, we don't get there as much as I'd like.  But when we do go you can bet your bottom dollar that we spend too much money on junk food!
 Oh these people have my heart!
 This dude has literally been home ONE weekday all summer long.  Week 1 was baseball and basketball camp.  Week 2 was another baseball camp.  Week 3 was science camp.  Now Week 4 is Bible school.  Baseball takes up a LARGE chunk of our lives lately.  A LARGE CHUNK!
 Annie looks like a slicked down rat in Uncle TA's lap, but she had a wet ponytail.  This was taken one afternoon when we went to pick Bitty up from helping him farm.
 The farm helper
 Sometimes momma needs to lay in the middle at bedtime.
 Luke, Annie, and Bitty....the little siblings of baseball playing brothers.
 Y'all, I went to the new Kroger in Hernando for the first time recently.  I love these buggies.  They'd make my life so much better if Wal-Mart would pleased get these!
 "Momma, Momma, take my picture!!!!!!!"
 The other night I tried to hide in my bathroom for like 5 minutes of peace to paint my toenails....she found me.
 And got her first pedicure!
 Ohhh she was pleased!
 We had a family reunion the other day and Annie had so much fun she fell asleep sitting up.
 She wouldn't wake up.
 The struggle was real.
 He can die a happy man.  What more could this child want/need/desire other than a cow skull?????
 Ummm yep, some more hanging around.
 Change is hard.  I hate change.  I mean any change.  I have carried the exact same purse every single day for almost 3 years straight.  I can't do change.  But somehow I managed to let a big change happen.... Ford got new bedroom furniture.  Trey took his old bed down...
 Annie and Maggie are born 12 days apart and are cute cute friends.  They had a big time waiting on their brothers at swim lessons one night.
 Rarely, I mean RARELY do I ever leave the house alone.  But somehow a few weeks ago I managed to do a girls day of shopping and night of eating and hanging out with friends.
I missed my 9:00 bedtime and was sleepy the next day, but friends are good for the soul!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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