Thursday, April 27, 2017

Please do not climb on the animals

  Being a stay at home mom is probably one of the hardest things I've ever done.  There are no lunch breaks or planning time.  You don't communicate with other adults from the outside world often like you would in the work place.  Sick days, personal days, and holidays off don't exist.  Watching the news doesn't happen because you basically live in a cartoon bubble.  There is always some little critter crying, being needy, or grabbing at you.  And I do complain about the exhaustion, lack of help, and need for a mental vacation, BUT I wouldn't have it any other way.  I get to participate in my children's activities whenever I need to.  

This hasn't always been the case because during the 7 years that I taught I missed a "Meet the Teacher" and a few class parties because the teaching profession isn't exactly flexible.  So for the fact that I am able to stay home right now with my children makes me thankful even when I want to pull my hair out.

With that being said, on Tuesday, we had a 3k class field trip to the zoo!!!
 His best buddy, Eli
 I am aware that Ford isn't in 3k, however he legitimately got  to go too.  He sold enough raffle tickets that he got a day off to zoo it up with us.  He didn't get a day off from school work though!!!!
 BoomPa...or Boom as my kids call him.  He's my right hand man.  I can always count on him to be there to help out and assist.
 And will you know the seniors came to the zoo too.  So that means I had Anna Greer and her boyfriend Jonah to tag along!!!!!
 I'm thinking Ford might be too cool for the sheep??????
 Jonah and Greer
 Ty, Ford, Caden, and Bitty
 I can't even ride a carousal.
Mr. Kip or Coach Kip had to ride with Annie.
 Bitty and Mrs. Laura, who happens to be Anna Greer's mom.  Bitty won't know what to do without her next year since they've been together for two years now.
 Mrs. Rosy and Mrs. Laura keeping it real in 3K.
 Everyone loves a camel ride...
 Par for the course...
 No pictures please....
 He started something here.
 Sometimes when you're done you just gotta make a statement....
 And no trip is complete without a meltdown!!!!!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...