Sunday, March 12, 2017

Started off and ended sick

This is a fact:  Someone seems to always be sick around here.  Thursday morning, let's say 1:30 AMish Annie woke up crying and had over a 100 degree temperature.  By 7:15 that morning it was 101.4.  I debated on whether or not to take her to the doctor, but I finally caved and went.  No strep.  No flu.  Just viral.
Meanwhile, Bitty's class had CIRCUS DAY!!!!!!!  This day was complete with circus type snacks, tunnels, and balance beams!
Friday we decided we should go to Oxford to visit Granddaddy in the VA.  When I say he can't hear, I mean he can't hear.  I had to type everything out for him.  The kids also all needed to push.  Annie won, of course!
Friday afternoon Bitty loaded up his wheel barrow with wood for a fire pit fun night of s'more roasting.  However, we went to eat with Puddin and Pops instead that night.
Saturday night we finally got to roast those bad boys in the freezing cold.
I'm guessing he loved it!?!?!?
Ford got roped.  Yep, like a cow.  I guess he won't play that game again.
Sunday morning, which is today, Bitty walked downstairs looking MAD.  I immediately noticed his red cheeks and he had 101.6.  That's how we roll....someone is ALWAYS sick.
Oh and Fancy has a red eye.  I mean it's not pink eye, but it's funky red.  Everyone is falling apart.  Annie sick on Thursday, Ford got roped, Bitty is sick on Sunday, and Trey has a blood red eye.  I, on the other hand, knock on wood,... am headed to another country if anyone else gets sick!
PRAY FOR US!!!!!!!!!!!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...