Sunday, March 5, 2017

Bitty, the field trip planner

So, we have these neighbors across the street who are also family that have all things Bitty loves.  They have dogs, cows, tractors, fences and gates, horses, trailers, rangers, and mud.  Sweet Uncle TA calls to get Bitty to help him check cows several times a week.  Well, Bitty decided he'd bring ALL of his 3K friends to the farm to see all his stuff.
 TA and Pam fixed a hayride for the little tikes...
 The 3K teachers came and a few moms....and Sister.
 This day was purely thrilling to Bitty who wants to be a farm helper when he grows up!
 He was the gate opener...
 I rode in the ranger with some other adults...
 Annie LOVES the cows, but she prefers to view them from a distance.
 She got to drive the tractor.
 This momma had a baby cow a few hours before we came by.
 Thanks Aunt Pam and Uncle TA for a GREAT day at the farm.
 After the farm we headed across the street to my house for snacks.  Annie greeted each visitor...
We snacked in the garage.
What a BIG day on the farm!
 Last night we went to support The Baddour Center at the third annual Dancing FOR Our Stars.
 And while we were gone Anna Greer text to say that Ford lost a tooth.  Mind you it wasn't loose when we left!
 Some people don't do mornings and juice from a coffee cup helps.
 Annie felt very diva-like today at Puddin and Pops's house for lunch.
 And we mustn't sleep without someone from the Club House!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...