Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Mickey Party- Ohhhh Two-dooles

I'd dare to say there is another two year old that loves Mickey Mouse and friends as much as Annie Lamar.  She knows all of their names, begs to watch it, giggles and laughs, and plays with the stuffed Mickey characters we have.  Therefore, when it's party time you must have a Mickey party.
There was a baby boom around the time that Annie was born.  A swarm of little girls came into existence, so we had a triple Mickey party.
Big cupcakes for the birthday girls
Annie and Nora.... Maggie wasn't yet ready for pictures.
 Group pictures weren't Maggie's idea of fun
 Matching clothes was a must!
 Annie wanted BoomPa to go down the slide....of course he did!
 Ford played basketball the entire time.
 Smile Bitty!
 Emery looked precious as always.
 Bitty manned the bouncy slide the entire time.
 Boom and Bobba
 Maggie and her daddy
 When it was time to sing Happy Birthday, Annie wasn't having it.  How dare we make her get out of the bouncy house.
 She didn't even think about trying her cupcake either.
Molly Cate and Aunt Ashley
 Even though Annie is crying, she really does love her Greer.
 It's my PaRtY!!!!!!
 Ohhhhhhh toodles!
 All these guys were in our wedding and all of them have children around Annie's age.
 Annie with her great grandmother, Bobba
 The invite said NO gifts please, but we still had a few at home.
 Real pretend play make up!
 My absolute favorite gift, was this....
 It's a framed picture of my mom, and Annie's namesake... "Sarah Suzanne Lamar" at 18 months of age.
Happy second birthday to my Mickey Mouse loving baby girl!!!!!!

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