Friday, March 31, 2017

White flags

This has been one of those weeks where I'm like "I'll wave the white flag and surrender".  It started off okay on Monday.  Tuesday my friend and decorator came to help spruce up a few things so we got to babysit Conrad.  Poor boy had to lie on a pink blanket.
Well, while he was here, Annie woke up from her nap and had thrown up all in her bed!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday was the boys last night to sleep with me!!!!!  They think it's a must when Fancy isn't here to sleep with me.  I'm glad their slumber is so lovely, because mine is not!
Since Tuesday turned out to be a rough day with a sick child and lack of sleep, I told Bitty he had to stay at school all day on Wednesday so I could clean and do laundry.  About 12:30, while I was rocking Annie for her nap, his teacher called to say he had a ROCK stuck in his nose.  Y'all, this isn't our first rodeo with foreign objects up his nose.  We've also had a carrot and purple bead.  I was thinking lots of things, but compassion really wasn't one of them.  I told her if he was breathing okay, wasn't hurting, and wasn't crying then he could tough it out for two hours.   A few minutes later she text me to say it was out with some hard blowing.  ONLY my child!

Both needed to push at Wal-Mart.   (side note- it's in the 70's here, but Sister insisted on wearing a coat).
Sine Die- the session has adjourned!!!!!!!  

Daddy's home 2017....
2013   And I couldn't find a 2012
So Daddy is home and we're all so excited that about midnight Wednesday night/Thursday morning, Bitty and I both got the stomach bug.  Y'all....I HATE THE STOMACH BUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My washing machine has literally gone for 48 straight hours.  Annie threw up in her bed 3 times and Bitty threw up in Ford's bed 3 times.  I threw up in my bed 0 times.  I have since BEGGED Ford that if he gets sick to NOT throw up in the bed.
Report Card time...  You can't read it so,
Reading- 96.25
Math- 99.05
Science/Social Studies- 99.29
Spelling- 97.11
English- 97.69
Bitty still talks, yells, screams, hollers, growls, who even knows...but the kid is just going to be loud.
Last report card I got on to him because he only counted to like 28.  I told him he could count higher than that and he reported back that he was NOT because it took much too long.  I preached to him that he better try his best so this time he gave me 108!

Monday, March 27, 2017

Are you taller than Puh?

  You know some people are outgoing and enjoy the spotlight, and then there are others who prefer to sit back and watch the show.  John Brantley fits on both sides of the spectrum depending on the situation and circumstances.  He's funny about friends too.  He will only tell you he has a few, whereas Ford has tons.  Bitty's best buddy in his classroom this year is Eli.  We've had Eli over to play a few times, and they have a large time.
Baseball.  Holy mother of pearl.  Baseball.  I love baseball.  I was a batgirl.  I lived my life as a child at the baseball fields.  But this baseball stuff is serious.  

Fancy is STILL in session and I've been running the show, possibly sinking, since January 3.  I like to think I handle, juggle, manage things well, but late nights I do NOT.  Ford was scheduled to have a baseball tournament in Arkansas this past weekend.  Game #1 started Friday night at 8:30.  We live in Mississippi, not Arkansas mind you.  So, I kind of told Trey I refused to go.  He couldn't take Ford because they had to work all weekend.  Apparently word leaked to Puddin and Pops and they offered to take Ford.  Points for them!!!!!!  
Pops called and invited Bitty to join the late night festivities.  He assured me that he wanted to tag along even after I explained the events of the evening.
That game that was supposed to start at 8:30 started at 9:30, but Bitty was out cold at 8:34.
The game ended and they were home by 11:30, but this momma was ASLEEP!!!!!!!  Thank you, Puddin and Pops!
My kids ALL hate food.  Gracious I wish I did, but it's just not the case.  Spaghetti is the only thing I can make that they'll all eat.
I accidentally poked Bitty under the eye with my fingernail.  He needed a picture to see if it was bleeding.
Our Greer was in beauty review on Saturday.  She looked beautiful!!!!
You're only as cool as you think you are...and well... I'm pretty sure he's cool!!!!!!!!
There are those times when you just want a cute picture of your kids and they act like gooses.
Bitty was MAD that I assisted him with straightening his belt.  I mean COME ON!
Fishing.  I personally don't love it simply because I'm not patient enough and my undiagnosed ADD kicks in and I want to do something else.  However, Bitty likes to fish in our backyard.
Deep thoughts by Annie Lamar
Conversation with Bitty on the way to get Ford from school....

Bitty: "Are you taller than Puh?"
Me:  "Yes"
Bitty:  "Are you taller than Puh even with socks on?"

Friday, March 24, 2017

Diva = 25 months

Happy 25 months to this diva right here!!!

She's bossy and loud.  She's prissy and outgoing.  She's loveable and needy.  She's picky and full of life.  She's our baby girl and we couldn't love her more!!!!

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

It ain't for the weak

As a little sister to a baseball playing brother, I know exactly what it is like to grow up at the baseball fields.  I spent many years freezing and burning up watching him play.  We traveled as far as Panama City with baseball, there were wins and loses, home runs, strike outs, trophies, tears, and squeals.  I remember it all.  Fast forward A LOT of years later, and I am back at the fields, but not as a little sister, but as a mom.   
Yes, Ford has been playing baseball for several years now, but things have really turned up because not only are we playing city league baseball, BUT we are also playing competitive tournament ball.
Saturday started his first ever tournament in Horn Lake, a mere 30 minutes up the road.
He was ready.
They huddled
These two hung strong for 8 hours, 3 games, and 3 loses on Saturday.
Puddin snacked on Annie's happy meal she refused to eat.  BoomPa and Taylor came too.
Annie flirted from inside the bouncy house with big boys on another team.
Sunday brought on another round of games.  I was not properly equipped with mom baseball gear.  I didn't have "the wagon".  I bought this bad boy on Saturday in between games.
Sister stayed with Puddin on Sunday.  It was cold and Bitty covered up.
Sunday we won the first game and lost the second game.
BoomPa giving proper batting techniques.
The Tobie Titans
Five games in two days WORE ME OUT!!!!!!!!!  Monday it was a struggle to get up, but Sister helped me.  Ohhhhhhh toodles!

Mardi Gras Coast Style

Did you know that NO ONE wants to keep 3 kids?   You got one... people will fight over one.   Two....kind of got to ask nicely.   Three....n...